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Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2 Will Put “Millions” Of Characters On The Screen – Kotaku

Screenshot: UEBS2

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator could do some very cool things with thousands of soldiers/ducks/zombies on the battlefield at once, but its upcoming sequel of course has only one place it can go to push the envelope.

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 2, due sometime in the Fall for the PC, does all the stuff the original did, like a first-person mode and sandbox, but now there are also “story-driven” campaigns and “infinite” army sizes (the first game strongly recommended not going over 100,000).

The trailer below has more than that. This looks…taxing for a PC. And I know this is going to be pedantic, but while the trailer says “millions” in its title, it also says that there are 1.3 million characters in the clip, which isn’t really “millions”, that’s “a million and change”. Still damn impressive though!

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