How To Create An Autoresponder Sequence

An autoresponder works with a list to promote products, promotional materials to people. After people sign up for a list, they are often greeted with an autoresponder that has been set to a particular time. The importance of updating your list with another mail after the welcoming mail is important. However, you don’t keep sending them emails every day or every time. When you do this, you increase the chances of them calling you spam. Since autoresponder is important to email marketing, it should be created well. After creating one, you need other autoresponders to be in sequence to keep and retain the interest of your list. In this article, you will find out how you can create an autoresponder sequence with the F4L system using our website
The Steps in creating an autoresponder sequence
After you might have created your first autoresponder which is the first in the sequence, you need to create another that will be in sequence. Starting afresh can take your time. So, to easily create other autoresponders to use in sequence, follow the following steps:
- As usual, login to the website and go to the menu bar. Go to my account tab and scroll down to my card.
- Click on my card tab. A new page will appear which contains all the cards in your F4L system. Every card has columns that are titled card name, card URL, action, question, and card type. Under this action column, you will see the autoresponder button alongside the edit, view, and delete buttons. Click on the autoresponder of the card you want to use. You can also access the autoresponder in another way by clicking on my account tab from the menu bar and scroll down to the autoresponder. Select the best option for you in accessing the autoresponder.
- At this page that opens after clicking on the autoresponder, you will see the autoresponder you have created before. To perform a sequence that is done on a particular autoresponder, simply decide the autoresponder you want to use. However, make sure you know the niche that you used before when creating the previous autoresponder. This is important as your other autoresponders that will be in a sequence are meant to be the same niche to overcome being considered spam.
- Go to that autoresponder and you will see a duplicate button below it. Click on it to have the first autoresponder duplicated.
- You can now edit the name of the duplicated autoresponder to another title that will be easy for you to remember it is meant to be next in sequence. For example, if the title of the initial autoresponder was weight loss, you can name this duplicated autoresponder weight loss 1.
- After changing the title, scroll down to the detail region and change the subject, preheader to a new different thing. You can leave the other options below the same way it was before. That is, the “from name, from email and reply to email” should have the same content as the first one autoresponder.
- Below the title of the new autoresponder, you will see a permalink of the previous autoresponder. It needs to be changed as the URL is for the autoresponder created earlier.
- To change the permalink, click on the edit button beside it on the right. Enter the title of your new autoresponder and join each word with a dash sign. There should be no space between the words and every word should be in lowercase letters.
- When you are done entering, click on the OK button beside it. Now, the new autoresponder title and the URL are changed and linked together.
- Scroll down to the receiver segment still on this page and add more related lists to that niche by ticking on them.
- Go to the save segment and click on the update button. Once it is saved, move on to the next session, which is the template.
- Go to the template segment and edit. You may not change the header template since it has your company’s logo already from the first autoresponder you created. There may be no need to change the footer template too as your contact details are there. Put your editing focus on the template that you attached a freebie giveaway, a digital product.
- Edit the text there to what you want the people on your list to receive in their next mail. You can also change the title of this particular template to another. To do this, click on it and an editor will come up. Edit the content of the previous autoresponder to new content.
- The next thing to do is to change the free digital product’s images of the first autoresponder to another image of the free product that you will be giving out next. To do this, click on the image, a new page will appear displaying where you can select the new image. You can also make use of images from Unsplash. There is an Unsplash button here and it contains over a million free and copyright-free images.
- If on the other hand, you have not downloaded the image of the freebie that you want to give out next, simply go to my tools button from the menu bar on a new tab, then to freebies giveaway. Select the niche you are already working on from the first autoresponder and search the product you want to use next by scrolling down.
- When you find the one you want to use, right-click on it using your mouse. A dialog box will open, select the “save image as” option. Save the picture to the library of your personal computer.
- Then, go back to the autoresponder page that you are working on. Once again, click on the image of the first digital free product that you have shared. It will open to a new page. Check if you will see the downloaded image of the new freebie here. If you don’t, click on the media manager. A new interface will open, click on the select files, locate and choose the image from your library and then, click on the upload button.
- Remember to take note of the image size in case you will need to adjust the size. Also, select the right high definition button below the image to make the free digital product’s image better and sharper.
- Click on the save button when you are done. Now, go to the download button from the template as it still has the link to the first freebie.
- Click on the text on the download button and it will open a new page.
- Scroll down to the niche of what you are working on. That is, what the first autoresponder is on. Once you find it, click on the freebie link that has the image you have downloaded and used for this second autoresponder.
- It will automatically put the download on the link button. Copy the link of the freebie or free digital product that just uploaded automatically.
- Go back to the template and you will see it has reflected on it.
- Now, click on the image button once again and a new interface will appear. Scroll down and paste the link that you copied to the URL just above the save button.
- Click on the save button when you are done pasting the URL.
- With this, the image and download button are linked together.
- Go to the save segment and click on update to save.
- There is a possibility you want to change the color of your download button.
- To do this, scroll down to the options segment and change the color to what you want and click on update. It is advisable to always update in order not to lose anything you have done.
- Then, go to the delivery segment and make sure the autoresponder is on. It is now time to adjust the time duration. Previously, you selected your previous autoresponder to send a message a few minutes after sign up. Here change the duration to three days and click on the update button.
This now becomes the new autoresponder in the sequence. To see the difference between the first autoresponder in the sequence and the just created second autoresponder, go back to the autoresponder tab from the menu bar at the left. Click on the autoresponder and you will see both the autoresponders with their time duration for it to send and the description of both too. You may want to send another autoresponder on the fifth day with another free digital product. To do this, simply follow the processes used in creating the second autoresponder. Just duplicate the second autoresponder and carry out the editing and other changes.
Creating and having an autoresponder sequence apart from the one that sends a welcoming message after the sign-up is very important to keep the interest of your list. However, let the autoresponder to be created in sequence be on the same niche. This will eliminate every spam thought from those on your list. Also, make you give a day or two days off before sending the next autoresponder.