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How To Create Campaign And Set Times

When it comes to email marketing, you must move from autoresponder to campaign, that is newsletter to keep your list interested in what you are offering them. With a campaign, you reduce the tendency of your list to unsubscribe or get bored. This shows the importance of creating campaigns. You don’t need to attend any internet course for you to learn how to create a campaign and set the best times for your newsletters. With our F4L digital cards system, you can easily create a good campaign that will keep your list happy as well as boost your sales. Before we go ahead to teach you how to create campaigns, visit our website on to know why you should adopt our services today.

The Steps Involved in creating Campaigns and setting time

The following steps should be followed:

  • Login to our website on and go to the menu bar. On the menu bar, locate and click on my account tab, then scroll down on the drop-down list and select my card tab.
  • A new page will open with your different cards and on the action column, you will see the autoresponder button alongside with view, delete and edit buttons. Click on the autoresponder button to go to the autoresponder page. Another way you can access the autoresponder is to go to the menu bar, click on my account tab. A drop-down list will come up, select the autoresponder.
  • On this page, you will see the autoresponders you have created before in a particular niche that is already in sequence. These autoresponders are timed in different duration. The first in sequence sends immediately after someone signs up on the form, become a subscriber or download the free digital product. While the first autoresponder sends out in a minute after sign in as recommended by us, the second autoresponder sends out after three days, the third autoresponder sends out the mail after seven days and the fourth autoresponder sends out a message after the ninth day. You should shift to campaigns after the ninth day to avoid boring people with messages that might make them leave the list.

How to create a campaign

Before we go to the steps in creating campaigns, you need to know the difference between an autoresponder and a campaign. An autoresponder is automatically sending mail out in sequence once someone signs up. This is not so with a campaign. Sending mail is not automatic. Also, an autoresponder is only tied to the sign-up form. It is attached to the form but a campaign is not attached to a sign-up form. With this difference, let’s see how you can create your campaign.

  • Go back to the autoresponder page where you will see a list, subscriber on the left menu bar, and locate the last autoresponder you have created. That is the one in the last sequence.
  • You will see a duplicate button under it, click on it and a duplicate autoresponder will be created.
  • Now, click on the edit button of the autoresponder that was just duplicated. It will open to a new page, that is the editor page.
  • Proceed to edit the title. Remember, you are working on a duplicated autoresponder that comes with the autoresponder title, permalink, and other attributes. Change the title to another thing that you can use to identify it as the first campaign you are creating. The title doesn’t appear to those in your list so it can be anything that will not confuse you and as well help you to remember it easily as your number one campaign. For example, 1 newsletter campaign weight loss. The title should be in line with the titles and niches you have been using in your autoresponders. Also, have in mind that you have been sending freebies on a niche too so use a title that will remind you.
  • Edit the permalink too. Make it to be with the title but every word should be in the lowercase letter and separated with a dash sign. The link is to help you track how the campaign is going.
  • Before doing anything else, change the tab on the delivery method system segment on the right. You will see two tabs namely, the regular campaign and autoresponder.
  • Choose the regular campaign tab. On clicking it, you will notice the sending out system has changed. You will not see an authorized timer or form that is attached to the sign-up form again.
  • Go ahead and click on the update button to save. Note that campaigns are saved in the campaign tab. So, go back to the previous page and refresh it. Choose the campaign tab and you will see the campaign you have saved being updated here in the list of campaigns on this page. If you go back to your autoresponder page, you will no longer see the duplicated autoresponder in sequence again because it has changed and updated to a campaign. The new campaign created doesn’t automatically respond or send when someone subscribed or signs up or even download a free digital product.
  • Go back to finish your editing as you have edited just the title, permalink and clicked on the campaign from the delivery method system segment. To change the subject under the detail, enter what you want like “Thank you for your support”. The other fields on the details segment such as from the name, from email, and reply to an email, should remain as before.
  • Scroll down to the template segment for editing too. Although this is a newsletter, you can still offer more free digital products to your list to keep them interested.
  • Proceed and do any editing you would want here. Add any new product you would want to add too.
  • Go over to the receiver segment to send the newsletter out. Untick and tick on the list you want to receive your newsletter. Your list should be in line with the niche you are working on. You don’t want to see a gift on the wrong list. This shows you have control of which list receives the newsletter you want to send.
  • Scroll up to the delivery method system segment. Your campaign needs to be live. So, tick on the send the campaign button and select the date and time you want from the calendar that comes up. It is good you send out your newsletter weekly so that you will not bore your list with messages.
  • After selecting the date and time you want, click on the update button on the save segment to save. Your first newsletter has now been created.
  • Go back to the campaign page. You will see the updates on the created campaign and that the time has changed. To create another campaign without starting from scratch, click duplicate on the just created campaign. It will completely duplicate everything.
  • Go ahead and edit it by clicking on the edit button. The new page will come up where you can change the title to another name that you can remember easily. It should be a name that you can know is the second campaign or came after the first campaign. So, you can add 2 to the name you want to give it.
  • Edit the permalink and change the content to that of the title you are using. The should be the same but the link should be in lowercase with the words separated by a dash.
  • Go down to the template segment and change to what you want. You can also attach a freebie and edit new services and any other thing necessary.
  • Go to the receive segment and select the list you want to receive the message. Do that by ticking on the list with the right niche.
  • Scroll to the delivery method system segment and click on send the campaign to make it live. Select the new date, a week from the last campaign created is recommended. Go ahead and update on the save region. This is how you can continue in creating the third, fourth, and more campaigns as you need.
  • Go back to all campaigns on the menu on the left-hand side and you will see the newly created campaign. If you make any mistake in your campaign, click on the pause button of that campaign and correct the mistake through editing. Then click on start now and the page will refresh and start sending. It is easy and simple.


You should not continue with autoresponder after the ninth day to avoid boring your list with messages. Remember that money is on the list and if you want that money, you need not bore them with consistent messages and freebies. To move from autoresponder to campaign, carefully follow the steps mentioned above and set it up. It is easy and simple to do. When done right, not only will your list be interested the more in receiving your newsletter, they will pay you for the services you are offering.

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