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Coronavirus UK news updates LIVE – Lockdown lift ‘IRREVERSIBLE’, Boris reveals, plus pubs won’t need vaccine passport

ANY lifting of lockdown over the coming months will be irreversible, Boris Johnson has revealed.

Desperate to avoid plunging the UK back into yet another crippling lockdown, the PM insists that a cautious lifting of restrictions is needed to avoid hospitals becoming overwhelmed with covid patients again.

Speaking of lockdown measures easing, Boris said “what we wanted to see is progress that is cautious but irreversible and I think that’s what the public and people up and down the country will want to see”.

The news comes at Matt Hancock revealed Britain’s pubs will reopen without vaccine passport rules.

The Health Secretary confirmed that vaccine passports are currently not being considered for use in domestic settings such as pubs, shops and live events once the coronavirus lockdown eventually lifts.

His comments came after Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab sparked concern that vaccine passports may be required inside the UK, as well as to allow those who’ve already been vaccinated to take foreign holidays.

The news comes as Boris Johnson is expected to announce the reopening of schools and resumption of sitting on park benches with a single friend as he appears at a press conference this evening.

The Prime Minister will speak at 5pm tonight and you can watch his statement here, live on this page, as well following our live blog below

Restrictions for adults will only be slightly relaxed in March with Brits being allowed to sit down outdoors with one friend or family member.

At the end of next month, social distancing rules are expected to be eased further with outdoor sports like golf and tennis for two people from different households being allowed.

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