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Emmerdale fans disgusted as Paul Ashdale fakes his own kidnapping to scam Mandy Dingle into paying his debts

EMMERDALE fans are disgusted after Paul Ashdale revealed he faked his kidnapping to scam Mandy Dingle into paying his debts.

The gambling addict – who is played by actor Reece Dinsdale in the ITV soap – was rescued from his alleged ordeal tonight by a cricket bat-toting Mandy.

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Paul Ashdale faked his own kidnapping[/caption]

She took on Connor the loan shark by lying about how much money she had raised and throwing him just a quarter of it.

She told him: “It’s all there, now you let him go. I’m not going to say it again – it’s all there now you let us see him.

“That is all you are getting and don’t you dare come one step closer or I am going to wrap this around your face.”

Waving the bat in his face, she told him: “Don’t you come one step closer. 


Connor is furious with Paul[/caption]

“There’s a grand in that bag but after what you’ve done you don’t deserve anything – and that is all you’re getting. Not a penny more. 

“Take you on? You’ll soon find out when you wake up in hospital in ICU. Come at me again and you won’t just be coming at me – you’ll be coming at my whole family. 

“And we’re a very big family. Only they won’t put you in hospital, they’ll put you in the ground while you’re still breathing.

“Trust me this is over. It might not seem like you’re lucky day but it is.”


Mandy is the victim of the elaborate scam[/caption]

Paul was then taken home but it was clear he was hiding something as he didn’t have a mark on him.

And later he met up with Connor who confirmed the truth to viewers.

“You spun some story about how rough you had it?” he said. 

“Didn’t tell them you spent a couple of nights in a nice hotel, then? 

“All that money in the bag I’ll keep that, and the grand that you offered me – that’s two. That leaves two grand that you need to get. 


Connor was underneath the balaclava[/caption]

Connor then gave him a tenner and told him to turn it into more but warned him: “Next time nothing will be faked and there’s no amount of money that will get you back.”

Fans were disgusted with Paul’s scam.

One wrote: “I hate Paul. That’s the tweet #Emmerdale.”

A second said: “Pathetic Paul #Emmerdale.”

Another added: “Paul you scheming little ****.”

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