‘Fuming’ burglary victim stopped from checking property when police said it was a breach of Covid rules
POLICE refused to let a burglary victim travel to check his raided property because he was told it would be a breach of Covid travel restrictions.
Peter Baker was alerted by neighbours that burglars had targeted the garage of a house he owns in Ludham, Norfolk, while he was staying 165 miles away at his main home in Crawley, West Sussex.

The retired electrician contacted the Sussex force to check if he could travel – but was left fuming when he was ordered to stay at home.
He fears thousands of pounds of equipment has been stolen but is now unable to check.
The 67-year-old said officers “didn’t care” about him as a victim. He told The Sun: “I thought I was doing the right thing to check because I didn’t want to get pulled over and fined.
“I couldn’t believe it when they said no. It’s utter madness. I now can’t go and see what property has been stolen.
“Norfolk told me an officer could go and check but how is he going to know what has been taken? I’m not allowed to go and look at the crime scene I’m a victim of. I’ve got tools, electric equipment and all sorts in there. It’s worth thousands. I understand there needs to be rules.
“I was ringing to explain that I would take food, stay there the night and I would not mix with anybody. I would fill my car with petrol and go straight there, stay, check what had been taken and secure the property.
“I’d stay the night, on my own, and then travel back. It’s my second home. I wanted to make sure everything was OK.”

Mr Baker said he thought an exception should be included. He added: “I’ve taken this virus very seriously. We all should. I was going to be extremely cautious in leaving. But surely this is an exception?”
Mr Baker also contacted Norfolk Police who said to also check the guidelines.
Thieves busted the locks to the garage during the incident last Monday.
Daughter Nikki Baker, 33, said: “What more of an excuse could there be to travel then check the crime you’ve been a victim of? What if your second home burns down – would they let you travel then?
“It’s utter madness and frankly, stupid. What message does this send out? What about other crimes? I’m sure people will read this and think my dad should have just gone.
“But he didn’t want a fine and to get into trouble. He wanted to do the right thing.”
A spokeswoman for Sussex Police said: “People should only be leaving their home if it is one of the reasonable excuses listed on the Government website.”
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She referred us to the website which does not include travelling because you have been the victim of a crime.
A spokesperson for Norfolk Police said: “Our policy around COVID-19 related questions is to signpost people to the Government website. We won’t interpret the guidelines for people and will advise they need to make their own decisions to travel or undertake activity and it is their responsibility to justify the necessity of the journey or activity.”
They added that when they receive a third-party report of a burglary the force would always attend to make sure it had been made secure.