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My partner has ruined our perfect future by betraying me for another woman

DEAR DEIDRE: WE have been turning an old country farmhouse into a beautiful home – but out of the blue my partner has told me he is seeing someone else.

I’ve been with him for 18 years and am almost 55. He is 58.


My partner of 18 years has ruined our happy future and admitted he is seeing someone else, I feel shocked and betrayed[/caption]

I was looking forward to a happy future, living together with our dog, when he confessed he had been seeing this other woman for four years.

He said he wasn’t sure if he loved me any more or if we should stay together. There were absolutely no signs at all and I am utterly devastated.

Not only do I feel shocked and betrayed, but also now he has said that if we split up we’ll have to sell the lovely house and divide the profits between us.

I fear I’m also going to lose my home and my future.

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DEIDRE SAYS: This is a horrible blow. You both need to face up to this hurtful situation to work out if you do have a future.

It is always possible to come back from infidelity, sometimes making a relationship even stronger. But it will take commitment from both of you to make it work.

You would benefit from couples’ counselling. Get clarity and support from Tavistock Relationships (, 020 7380 1960).

NEXT IN TODAY’S DEAR DEIDRE My partner broke down after telling she was sexually abused by a family member

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