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I’m getting tired of my mum driving a wedge between me and any potential partner

DEAR DEIDRE:  I STILL live at home with my mum but I’m getting tired of her driving a wedge between me and any potential partner.

I’m a 27-year-old woman and I’ve only had one previous relationship.

Getty – Contributor

I’m getting tired of my mum driving a wedge between me and any potential partner[/caption]

Now I’ve met someone I really like but Mum has started to make things very difficult. I do feel guilty because she is on her own but I also want to live my life. Is that so wrong?

Me and my boyfriend can only meet up to go for a walk but Mum has even started to moan about that.

She says she’s lonely and would like to be invited out for a walk too. 

I’d love my boyfriend to be included in our support bubble but I know not to ask. 

Mum is 63 and we’ve lived on our own since Dad left her 20 years ago.

I love Mum but I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your mum still treats you like a young child rather than the adult you have become.

She is clinging on to what was left of her family when your dad left.

She is frightened of being abandoned but this is no good for your relationship with her.

Try to encourage her to develop her own friendships and hobbies, while also encouraging your boyfriend to take an interest in her.

Hopefully in time she will come to see him as an asset.

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