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My fiance dumped me six months ago and he is seeing someone else – a man

DEAR DEIDRE:  MY fiance and I were together for three years but he dumped me six months ago saying he wasn’t ready for marriage and needed time on his own.

I’m a 25-year-old woman and he’s 27. We’ve remained good friends but I secretly hoped he would return.

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My fiance dumped me six months ago and he is seeing someone else – a man[/caption]

Now I’ve found out through mutual friends he is seeing someone else – a man.

They have also told me he cheated on me with men throughout my relationship.

I’m devastated and feel like everyone has been laughing behind my back. 

Why was he with me if he is gay? I’ve wasted the past three and a half years. 

He has been told I know everything and wants to talk it all through but I can’t face seeing him.

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DEIDRE SAYS: You’ve been badly hurt and feel humiliated.

But it is far better to have learned the truth now rather than after getting hitched and having children.

Thankfully, he realised getting married wasn’t right for either of you. 

I’m sure no one will be laughing at you. If anything, they will have felt awful for you.

It is too raw to forgive him now but in time, you might feel ready to talk. 

Read my support pack Mending A Broken Heart. That should help you move forward.

NEXT IN TODAY’S DEAR DEIDRE I’m getting tired of my mum driving a wedge between me and any potential partner

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