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Horoscope today, Saturday February 27: Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates


March 21 to April 20

The full moon in your fitness zone brings a two-part boost.

First, an intensity of energy to get you through a recent health obstacle, so focus on a goal again not on what stops you.

Second, you get emotions working for, rather than against you, and showing how you feel at home inspires others to do the same.


April 21 to May 21

Your creative zone is powerful today and taking you in a direction. So sign up for that course, or find out more about a set of challenges.

You have so many ideas and now they are ready to emerge into the world.

Romance is intense and all it takes is one look, or symbol, from you to send a passionate message.


May 22 to June 21

Homelife may feel routine but the full moon adds intrigue today and you are the key.

A menu of new tastes and activities is your master stroke but it’s the way you listen to people you love that refreshes relationships.

And planning for a very special event can restart by tonight. Lucky numbers start or end with “4”.


June 22 to July 22

No more hiding in the background, you’ve got an outspoken chart and you’re ready to say what you really think, in person and online.

You have natural kindness that keeps words calm and gets good results. Contests with a writing element can work well for you.

Venus makes lovers hungry to know more.


July 23 to August 23

Money matters fill your chart. Taking time to go through calculations or costs again can benefit you.

You also have a full moon impulsive side that’s up for some big spending and making people’s lives easier.

Trust yourself to make the right choices. Love may not be spoken but deep down you know it’s there.


August 24 to September 22

The full moon version of Virgo is more sensual, more sultry, and
overflowing with confidence.

So in love and life in general, take the lead and start asking for what you need.

But do keep any fitness or career dreams real, even if it means setting a longer schedule. Luck rings you at 10 – am or pm.


September 23 to October 23

A mystery moon shines out from your secrets sector. It helps you admit you may have been hiding certain facts – not just from other people, but from yourself.

Now you see yourself in a more honest light and you like what you see. The family member you talk to least can be the one to lead you to a prize.


October 24 to November 22

Friends should make you feel good, so remember this if you scan through your contacts.

Less names but more happiness is a better balance to build. In passion terms, too, your chart is a mix of flirtation and fire and you can have a lot of fun with both.

If you are single, the perfect partner wears hot colours.


November 23 to December 21

You’re resetting your goals today and weeding out the projects and people that take a lot from you and give little back.

This can leave room for a new prospect that’s exciting. You’ll recognise it when you read or hear about it.

Having a home you love is so much closer now and positive changes link to letter “Z”.


December 22 to January 20

Your travel and new horizons chart is opening up and so dare to dream a key journey can happen.

This may be towards a different country, or a different career. And the obstacle that’s held you back the most is fading. So start making firm plans.

Love is telling you all you need to know – so tune in, and just listen.


January 21 to February 18

Your zone of growth and positive change is fired up in ways that may feel like a challenge, because they take you back to a missed chance.

But this time you can act and pursue a passion path or see through a career question.You can fill a gap you may not realise you have in your heart.

An “M” location is lucky.


February 19 to March 20

If you’ve been patient, today you can set a deadline on a family or relationship decision.

You have strength to see this through. The mischief of a full moon can mix up messages and get you talking to someone you’ve never seen as a love prospect.

Until today! Uranus inspires word power with winning potential.

Horoscopes – your latest astrology reading from Mystic Meg

Capricorn – Born between December 22 and January 20, Capricorns have a tendency to be practical, resourceful and patient, as well as dedicated and ambitious.

Aquarius – The free-spirited Aquarius is a water sign born between January 21 and February 18.

Pisces – Pisces is the last star sign in the Zodiac and its symbol is the fish.

Aries – Aries is the first of the 12 Zodiac signs and its symbol is the ram.

Taurus – Taurus is the second Zodiac sign and its symbol is the bull.

Gemini – Gemini is the third Zodiac sign and its symbol is said to depict the twins Castor and Pollox.

Cancer – Cancer is the fourth Zodiac sign and its symbol is the crab.

Leo – Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, falling between July 23 and August 23.

Virgo – Virgo is the sixth sign in the Zodiac calendar and is represented by the maiden, or virgin, symbol.

Libra – Libras are an air sign, and are compatible with Geminis, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Scorpio – Ruled by the planet Pluto, Scorpios are the most compatible with Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces.

Sagittarius – The symbol of Sagittarius is an archer, and they are most compatible with Aries, Aquarius and Leo.

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