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I’m so cheap I refuse to spend a penny I don’t have to – I use lint to apply makeup & I cook my dinner in the dishwasher

A SELF-CONFESSED cheapskate has revealed how she cooks her food in the dishwasher to save every penny she has.

Stephanie, who appears on TLC’s Extreme Cheapskate, will stop at nothing when it comes to saving money.


Stephanie is a self-confessed cheapskate[/caption]

The mum will find a use for everything in her house, even the lint from the tumble dryer.

Once she has used a syringe to measure out her laundry detergent, she will collect the fluff from the machine and put it straight in her make-up bag.

She says: “I collect lint from the dryer first off because it’s clean second of all, I don’t have to buy cotton swabs

“I use it to remove nail polish and apply my makeup.”


The mum cooks her lasagna in the dishwasher to save money on her bills[/caption]

Once she has finished getting ready, Stephanie then unscrews the lightbulb in the bathroom and takes it with her to the next room.

By moving the bulb from room to room, Stephanie saves $60 (£43) a month on her electricity bill.

And it isn’t just Stephanie who is living this lifestyle, but boyfriend Patrick is also roped in to her extreme money-saving ways.

“We don’t have to be cheap, we really don’t. She has money, I have money what’s the point in being so cheap,” he says.


Stephanie uses lint from the tumble dryer to apply her makeup[/caption]

“It’s just ridiculous, but I do it because I love Stephanie.”

Stephanie insists on ‘navy showers’ in her house with Patrick not allowed to be in there for longer than two minutes, and he has to turn the water off between rinses.

And to make sure her military timing runs smoothly, Stephanie has installed a baby monitor in the bathroom to bark instructions at Patrick.

When it comes to cooking, Stephanie has plenty of ways of shaving the cost of her meals.


Boyfriend Patrick has timed showers and can’t take longer than two minutes[/caption]


Stephanie peels her bananas before buying them so they will weigh less and therefore cost less[/caption]

The mum will save the water she uses to boil her pasta, and reuses it as much as possible to cook more meals.

“I’m able to save the most on food and drink by reusing,” she explains.

“If it doesn’t get all drunk up I pour it back, if it doesn’t get all slopped up I put it back in its container.”

When she goes shopping Stephanie will make sure she revolves grapes from their stems, peels her bananas and gets rid of any pips because she will only pay for what she’s eating.

Perhaps Stephanie’s most bizarre money-saving hack is the way she cooks her food.

“To save money I multitask by washing dishes and cooking meals in my dishwasher,” she says.

“I have to make sure I wrap it really well or else the food will get wet.

“My family feels that my cheapskate ways are out there, but I don’t really care.”