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UK schools reopening LIVE – Primary and secondary schools return TODAY for the first time in MONTHS after covid lockdown

SCHOOLS are reopening in England today in the first step towards lockdown being totally lifted.

Primary and secondary pupils are returning to classrooms for the first time in months after a brutal second coronavirus wave.

Classrooms have been declared safe and teachers told they are at no greater risk of catching the virus than those working in any other job.

Rapid testing will be vital to managing the risk posed by schools reopening, although parents have been told entire classes won’t be sent home if just one pupil tests positive for the virus.

Primary aged pupils won’t need to wear masks to school as open doors and windows has been deemed more effective in age groups where masks are more likely to be removed, fiddled with or worn incorrectly.

But teachers are said to be furious that they haven’t been prioritised in the next round of jabs and there was even talk last week of a last minute strike plot drummed up by teachers unhappy at having to return to the classroom.

Follow our schools reopening live blog below for the very latest news and updates as kids return to the classroom…

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