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Covid outbreak may have come from BIOWEAPONS research accident, former top State Dept investigator says

A FORMER lead investigator at the State Department says he believes the coronavirus was accidentally release as a result of research done by the Chinese military into bioweapons.

David Asher, a former Department of State employee who oversaw the task force into the coronavirus’ origins, said he believes the virus not only came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but that it also may have been a bioweapon potentially used by the People’s Liberation Army.


A former investigator for the State Department believes the coronavirus was part of a bioweapon program in China[/caption]

Hudson Institute

David Asher, a former DOS employee who oversaw the task force into the coronavirus’ origins, said it’s likely the virus was a bioweapon[/caption]

“The Wuhan Institute of Virology is not the National Institute of Health,” Asher told Fox News, adding he was a “follow the money” kind of investigator at the State Department before getting his current gig as a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.

“It was operating a secret, classified program,” he added. “In my view, and I’m just one person, my view is it was a biological weapons program.”

At Asher’s previous jobs at both the Department of State and Treasury, he worked under Democratic and Republican administrations to uncover international nuclear procurement networks in Pakistan and North Korea.

He now believes the CCP has been attempting to cover-up the origins of the coronavirus for the last 14 months.

AP:Associated Press

Asher pointed to his work uncovering nuclear weapons under the Pakistani and North Korean governments[/caption]

AP:Associated Press

He also said although it may not have been deliberately released, it shows how far ahead they are in creating a bioweapon[/caption]

“And if you believe, as I do, that this might have been a weapons vector gone awry, not deliberately released,” Asher said, “but in development and then somehow leaked, this has turned out to be the greatest weapon in history.”

“You’ve taken out 15 to 20 percent of global GDP. You’ve killed millions of people,” he said at a Hudson Institute panel. “The Chinese population has been barely affected. Their economies roared back to being number one in the entire G20.”

He also said he couldn’t help but think on his work uncovering the Pakistani and North Korean governments’ methods of cover-up.

“Motive, cover-up, conspiracy, all the hallmarks of guilt are associated with this,” he said.

“And the fact that the initial cluster of victims surrounded the very institute that was doing the highly dangerous, if not dubious research is significant.”

“We have entered into an area of Chinese biowarfare, and including using things like viruses,” he ended. “I mean, they made a public statement to their people that this is a new priority under the Xi national security policy.”