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Met Police must examine its recruitment process which hires such creeps

Force in crisis

WHAT the hell is going wrong at the Met?

Sarah Everard is kidnapped and ­murdered, allegedly by a cop. His colleagues go in studs-up at a vigil where women are beseeching those same police to protect them on our streets.


What the hell is wrong with the Met Police?[/caption]

And a weird rookie guarding the site of Sarah’s remains sends sick jokes and images about her to fellow officers on WhatsApp. This just months after two other Met cops allegedly shared selfies alongside two murdered sisters’ bodies.

Most police do an admirable job, including in the Met. But how is it possible for so many in one force to have such warped priorities and a total absence of compassion?

This vile new incident goes way beyond “gallows humour”. It’s a sickening lack of respect for a woman whose death has shocked Britain.

It should cost this novice his job. Since Cressida Dick is keeping hers, she needs to probe the culture of a force where so many think they can get away with such appalling behaviour.

Not to mention examining a recruitment process which hires these creeps.

Bloody clots

FIRST, epic incompetence and lies. Now the EU is in the grip of panic and madness.

One country after another is suspending the Oxford jab over baseless fears that it causes blood clots.


The Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine has the all-clear[/caption]

The evidence is non-existent. The drug has had the all-clear from the clinical trials, from our medicines agency, from Europe’s, from the WHO and from 17million Brits and EU ­citizens who have already had it safely.

Blood clots aren’t uncommon. On any day a handful of people from any large group, jabbed or not, will suffer one.

But the EU’s leaders have had it in for the UK’s vaccine, primarily for Brexit reasons, from the start.

The delay in protecting citizens, as a new Covid wave sweeps the continent, will kill far more than the clots the EU members claim the jab causes. Every single dose is a potential life-saver.

Worse still is the signal this deranged scaremongering sends to the world, some parts already sceptical about jabs.

It is shamefully and lethally reckless.

Dressed to kill

SHAMIMA Begum’s makeover should fool no one.

The terrorist’s bride has binned her burkha and wants Britain to believe she is safe to return home. 

Anthony Loyd – The Times

Shamima Begum is a wolf in chic clothing[/caption]

That’s not the view of the Home Office, backed by the Supreme Court.

As for those claiming she’d be treated differently if she was white . . . rubbish.

White Oxford man Jack Letts, another IS recruit, was stripped of his British citizenship too.

Begum’s IS antics were monstrous and her remorse non-existent.

She’s a wolf in chic clothing.

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