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Sarah Everard news – Vigil scenes ‘deeply concerning’, Boris Johnson says as murder cops search Sandwich town centre

BORIS Johnson has said he is “deeply concerned” by footage from Saturday’s Sarah Everard vigil.

Video from the scene showed heavy-handed cops drag tearful women away from a candle-lit shrine during ugly clashes on Clapham Common.

Despite growing criticism, Met Police chief Cressida Dick has defied calls to resign over the incident saying she was “determined to lead” the Force and hit out what she branded “armchair critics” of police behaviour.

Boris Johnson will chair a meeting of the crime and justice taskforce later to discuss what further action is needed to make streets safer for women. Dick will join Boris at the meeting.

Describing himself as “deeply concerned” by evens it Clapham, the PM said Sarah’s death “must unite us” to drive out violence against women and girls and make the criminal justice system work to protect them.

It comes as officers have been seen along a pathway next to a stream, and have set up a base in Sandwich town centre, according to Kent Online.

Police would not comment on the new area of investigation, but the local council confirmed that the pathway had been taped off as part of the investigation into Sarah’s death.

Officers have been seen along a pathway next to a stream, and have set up a base in the town centre, according to Kent Online.

Police would not comment on the new area of investigation, but the local council confirmed that the pathway had been taped off as part of the investigation into Sarah’s death.

The new search is focused on a waterside path and recycling bin, according to reports.

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