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I worry people think I’m skiving after taking pay cut to care for my niece

DEAR DEIDRE: I’M taking a 40 per cent pay cut to look after my niece who has a disability but I’m concerned people will think I’m lazy.

My sister has multiple sclerosis and she struggles to cope with my niece who is 25 and has various problems including cerebral palsy.

I don’t want people to think I’ve given up on work

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As my sister’s condition is getting worse, I’m packing in my job at an insurance company to help out.

It means my husband will now be the breadwinner instead of me, but it will give me more time to spend with my sister, my niece and my grandchildren too.

I’m 49 and my sister is 57.

I’m worried people will think I’ve given up work because I want an easy life on a carer’s allowance.

DEIDRE SAYS: Anyone whose opinion matters will see what a caring role you are taking on. Looking after someone with such complex needs is not the easy option.

What you’re doing is wonderful and as long as you can manage financially, you’re stepping into doing something truly rewarding.

For further help, contact Scope (, 0808 800 3333).

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