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Horoscope today, Tuesday March 23: Daily guide to what your star sign has in store for your zodiac dates


March 21 to April 20

When Pluto gets involved, some family choices you assume to be a done deal can be back in discussion.

This is a great chance to get all loose ends tied up – and everyone can benefit.

Your love profile today is focused on moving forward and owning your feelings. Walk away from anyone who doesn’t respect this.


April 21 to May 21

Maybe you’ve stopped yourself saying everything you want to say at work, or within a group of friends or neighbours. But honesty today is the best policy.

Plus you have such a clear view of yourself and what you need.

Passion mixes mystery with history as an old flame intrigues you.


May 22 to June 21

A money moon brings calculations back into your mind – this time you can breeze through them. And find out where you can save more, as well as spend more.

But although a friend’s proposition is tempting, it may not really work well for you – yet.

Weighing up what’s good in love helps you make a choice.


June 22 to July 22

Your own sign is ready to live in the moment instead of always looking back or forward. And suddenly you can see exactly who has been waiting for you to notice them.

The next step is so right and so romantic.

Pluto’s mischief stirs up bonds at work, and this is a good time to try out that new teamwork format.


July 23 to August 23

A persuasive voice, maybe in your own head, may try to steer you away from a health change you know you need.

But today you are stronger. So do take that first step.

Your chart of personal journeys lights up and you know where you’re going. The surprise can be who you choose to go along with you.


August 24 to September 22

You can be the bigger person in a family or friendship issue – and offer a new start or solution.

There’s a strong makeover strand in your chart today, too, so you can sample a new way of looking at the world. Vivid colours can be part of this.

Unusual creative ideas may not work for you yet, but keep them on file.


September 23 to October 23

Family ambitions get a sudden surge of energy – but maybe not in the direction you expect. Your chart shows you can stick with this and make it work for yourself and everyone around you.

If you’re in love, do get shared paperwork signed and sealed.

If you’re single, The One has a steady heart under a flirty surface.


October 24 to November 22

Words and feelings may not match right now, but your actions are sincere. And this is what keeps everybody on-side.

In a working world, look and learn beyond your first idea, as something so effective is waiting down the line.

In love terms, you know what you need and you can stop settling for less.


November 23 to December 21

Cash doubts may run deep, but you have the initiative to fix them for good.

Trusting in your ability to say no is part of it – but you are also able to ask for advice or support in positive ways.

Your words in someone else’s voice can be part of your future – this can be anything from a TV script to a set of promises.


December 22 to January 20

Neptune helps you say the right things at the right times, and this is a team-builder at work.

But Pluto’s contrary nature can stir up storms in passion bonds as you face a choice between individual and shared needs.

Yes, you can manage both when you speak from the heart rather than trying to be smart.


January 21 to February 18

A secret career ambition usually simmers out of sight, until today, because you can make a connection – in person or in print – to someone who can help this happen.

And a former colleague or schoolmate can play a part.

If you’re overthinking your way into or out of love, stop and turn to actions instead.


February 19 to March 20

A new group on your personal horizon may appear too bold for you. But there’s a perfect place for you there, if you look for it.

And after a long time holding back, you’re ready to set a bolder part of yourself free.

Yes, you may feel in competition with a friend at work, but you can find a way to benefit both of you.

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