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Terrifying cousin of T-Rex with huge claws and razor teeth discovered in Argentina

A TERRIFYING cousin of Tyrannosaurus Rex with huge claws and razor teeth has been discovered.

The elephant-sized creature lived 80million years ago — and was “among the top predators”, scientists said.

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A terrifying cousin of Tyrannosaurus Rex (pictured) has been discovered in Argentina[/caption]

Smaller than a T-Rex, it has been named Llukalkan aliocranianus or “one who causes fear”.

Dr Federico Gianechini, of University of San Luis, Argentina, said the local find was a “particularly important discovery”.

He added: “It suggests the diversity and abundance of abelisaurids were remarkable – not only across Patagonia, but also in more local areas during the dinosaurs’ twilight period.”

Like T-Rex, it had huge jaws which crushed its prey with a very powerful bite.

The shape of its skull suggests it was a particularly skilled hunter.

It had exceptionally good hearing, even better than T-Rex.

But at more than 16 feet long, the new species would have been dwarfed by its cousin – which reached over 40 feet.

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The elephant-sized creature would have been smaller than a T-Rex (pictured), which reached over 40 feet long[/caption]

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