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Vet who tried to save Freddie Mercury the seal says she’s heartbroken over his death

A VET who tried to save Freddie Mercury the seal has told of her heartbreak over his death.

Rachel Kirkby, 38, had been confident he would survive being savaged by a passing dog.

South Essex Wildlife Hospital via Facebook

A vet who tried to save Freddie Mercury the seal has spoken of her heartbreak over his death[/caption]

Vet Rachel Kirkby said: ‘I’m pretty devastated. He went through such an ordeal. At least when he passed he would have been in caring hands and without fear’

She battled to stop him getting into the Thames in Hammersmith, West London, last week, knowing he could not swim with a broken flipper.

But she had to go to A&E when the seal bit her thigh.

His injuries meant he was put down.

Rachel, a vet for 15 years, said: “I’m pretty devastated.

“The injuries must have been far worse than they appeared.

Ferrari Press Agency

Freddie’s injuries meant that he had to be put down[/caption]

“He went through such an ordeal.

“At least when he passed he would have been in caring hands and without fear.”

Rachel is now considering joining the British Divers Maritime Life Rescue — which was called to treat Freddie.

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