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DJ Bassnectar sued for alleged sexual abuse and human trafficking

2010 Outside Lands Music And Arts Festival - Day 1 - Bassnectar
Bassnectar has been sued by two women who allege he had sex with them when they were underage (Picture: Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic)

EDM star Bassnectar is being sued for human trafficking and sexual abuse by two women who allege they were raped by the DJ while underage. 

The producer, real name Lorin Ashton, has been named alongside Amorphous Music, Inc., Bassnectar Touring, Inc., Redlight Management, Inc., C3 Presents, L.L.C, and Interactive Giving Fund in a lawsuit filed by Philadelphia attorneys Brian Kent, Stewart Ryan, and Alexandria MacMaster of Laffey, Bucci & Kent, LLP and Nashville attorney Phillip Miller of Miller Law Offices.

The suit has been filed on behalf of two women, referred to as Rachel and Alexis, who allege that they had sex with Ashton when they were underage.

In details published by TMZ, the women were allegedly contacted by Bassnectar through social media – Rachel in late 2012, Alexis in 2014 – and the DJ allegedly encouraged them to watch American Beauty, which features a relationship between an older man and a teenage girl.

The women claim that Bassnectar knew they were underage when they sent him tickets to his shows, and subsequently invited them back to his hotel room to have sex.

Ashton allegedly ‘mandated’ that the sex be ‘without a use of a condom’, and is accused of paying the girls for sex in amounts ranging from $300 to $1,600, as well as directing them to keep their relationships a secret.

Rachel alleged that she began having sex with Ashton in May 2013 when she was underage, and claims that the DJ solicited her to ‘take and send sexually explicit photographs of herself while naked’.

The lawsuit was also filed against Bassnectar’s management (Picture: Chelsea Lauren/Getty Images)

Alexis alleges she had sex with Ashton on numerous occasions between 2014 and 2016, when she was also underage.

The women are suing for damages, past and future emotional distress, and medical expenses.

In a statement acquired by, attorney Brian Kent said: ‘We have seen a true reckoning in recent years of powerful individuals and institutions finally being held to account for years of sexual abuse against adults and minors. But we have only begun to scratch the surface of how these influential figures and entities can go on for years committing abuses without being held responsible.

‘This lawsuit is about seeking justice not just against Bassnectar but against the corporations that cooperate in and help facilitate the abuses he is alleged to have committed.’

Bassnectar has yet to comment publicly on the lawsuit, but denied allegations when multiple accusations of sexual misconduct were shared on the Instagram account @evidenceagainstbassnectar last year.

The DJ stepped back from music last year (Picture: Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic for Bonnaroo Arts And Music Festival)

In June 2020, a message reportedly from the DJ was sent to a private Facebook fan group, which was then shared on social media.

It read: ‘The rumours of sexual misconduct that are circulating about me are completely untrue. I want to leave it at that, because it truly is that simple.

‘I have never been involved in anything that was not absolutely, unequivocally consensual. During a time when high profile men are being called out for their violence against women, I am proud to be an ally of women and stand in solidarity with victims. Thank you to all those who are listening to real victims of abuse and standing to support women.

‘In my 20s and 30s I was travelling constantly, and never felt like I had a permanent home. Most of the women I met were younger than me and in college, which at the time this did not seem strange or wrong or creepy. We had a lot of fun together, and in most cases we shared a beautiful connection or lasting friendship.

‘Looking back now, I simply wish I had never opened up to anyone I met on the road, because any relationship in that context had the potential to get complicated, misconstrued, or cause unintentional emotional harm to others.’

Following this, the 43-year-old issued a public statement announcing that he was stepping back from music.

He wrote: ‘I am stepping back from my career and I am stepping down from my position of power and privilege in this community because I want to take responsibility and accountability. I feel intense compassion for anyone I may have hurt. I truly hope you allow me a chance to work together toward healing.

‘The rumours you are hearing are untrue, but I realise some of my past actions have caused pain, and I am deeply sorry. I am handing off our nonprofit Be Interactive to a diverse team to continue without my involvement moving forward.’ has contacted Bassnectar’s management for comment. 

MORE : Harvey Weinstein launches appeal against rape and sexual assault convictions

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