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Teen Mom Jenelle Evans insists she’s ‘NEVER been an unfit mother’ to son Jace, 11, in ugly custody war with mom Barbara

TEEN Mom Jenelle Evans insisted she has “never been an unfit mother” to her son Jace, 11, in her ugly custody battle with her mom Barbara, The Sun can exclusively reveal. 

Jenelle, 29, filed for sole custody of her son Jace and asked the court to grant emergency custody to her on January 28, 2021.  

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Jenelle Evans insisted she has ‘never been an unfit parent’ to her son Jace[/caption]


Jenelle is filing for primary custody of Jace, who has been in his grandma Barbara’s care[/caption]

Barbara currently has primary physical and legal custody of Jace, as Jenelle has visitation with him every other weekend, after she signed over custody of her son to her mother in June 2010. 

In North Carolina court papers exclusively obtained by The Sun, Jenelle argued that before a third party who is not a biological parent can obtain custody of a child, there must be a finding that the parent “is unfit and has violated [her] constitutionally protected status as a parent.”

She claimed the 2010 and 2017 custody orders did not include findings to grant Barbara sole custody of Jace. 

She claimed she has “never been an unfit parent.”


Jenelle signed over custody of Jace to Barbara in 2010[/caption]

Jenelle asked that the two orders be “null and void.”

In the court filing, Jenelle requested Barbara be held in contempt, which could result in a fine or jail time, for violating their June 2017 custody order.

She claimed Barbara “intentionally prevented [Jenelle] from receiving medical and school records of the minor child” and “has not provided accounting to [Jenelle] of the minor child’s financial accounts.”

The former reality star also claimed Barbara has “blocked [Jenelle] from talking to the minor child since she demanded the child return to her custody on or about January 18, 2021.”


Jenelle claimed Barbara blocked Jace from her in January[/caption]

The court papers continued to allege: “In fact, [Barbara] has currently blocked all contact from [Jenelle.]”

Jenelle also asked for Barbara to pay her attorney fees. 

Though Jenelle claimed she has “never been an unfit parent,” she has had legal trouble in the past. 

Jenelle signed over custody of Jace in 2010 when her mother filed for primary custody of the then-toddler. 


Jenelle has a history of drug-related arrests[/caption]

Around that time, Jenelle had been arrested for possession of marijuana, and breaking and entering. 

She completed a stint in rehab for marijuana use while on probation for the bust.

But the legal trouble didn’t end there, as she was arrested in June 2012 for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a  controlled substance. 

The charges against her were dropped. 

In April 2013, Jenelle was arrested for heroin possession, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of illegal Percocet and assault. 


Jenelle has been out of legal trouble in recent years[/caption]

In May 2015, she was arrested for first-degree criminal domestic violence after a physical altercation with her ex-fiance Nathan. He later dropped the charges. 

In May 2019, Kaiser, 6, who she shares with Nathan, and Ensley, 4, who she shares with her husband David Eason, along with his teen daughter Maryssa from a previous marriage, were removed from their care by Child Protective Services.

This came after David admitted to shooting and killing the family’s dog Nugget for nipping at their daughter Ensley. 

After a series of court hearings, the children were returned in July 2019. 


Jenelle’s children were removed from her care by Child Protective Services in 2019[/caption]

The shooting resulted in Jenelle’s firing from Teen Mom 2

David was fired a year prior for homophobic social media comments. 

The Sun previously broke that the motion to modify custody also included Jenelle’s claims that Jace is “at risk of bodily injury” in the care of his grandmother, which is why she is filing for emergency custody. 

Jenelle alleged Jace has had “increasingly worse behavior problems that cause him to be physically aggressive, out of control and unsafe.”


Jenelle claimed her mother ‘cannot control the minor child’s behaviors’[/caption]

The YouTuber claimed Barbara told her she “cannot control the minor child’s behaviors.”

Barbara was instructed by his health care provider “multiple times” to call a crisis hotline or go to the Emergency Department if Jace’s “aggression escalates,” Jenelle alleged in the filing. 

Jenelle noted an alleged December 19, 2020 incident where Jace and Barbara “argued throughout the day.”

The court papers claimed: “The minor child physically assaulted [Barbara] twice causing injury to [Barbara.] The Minor child also burned the carpet because he was angry with [Barbara]. 


Jace has a ‘history of starting fires’ in Barbara’s home[/caption]

“The minor child has a history of starting fires in the home of [Barbara].”

Jenelle claimed her mother “did not contact the crisis line or seek any treatment or professional help for the minor child during this incident.”

The JE Cosmetics owner alleged Barbara reached out to Jenelle for help with Jace. 

Jenelle claimed that on December 20, 2020, she picked up Jace to bring him to live with her primarily at the consent of Barbara. 


Jenelle said Jace’s behavior ‘improves’ in her care[/caption]

Jenelle said Jace’s behavior “improves substantially” in her care and that they “do not struggle with conflict or aggression.”

She said her son stayed with her until January 18, 2021, when Barbara allegedly backed out on their new custody agreement for Jace to live with her full time and demanded he be returned to her home.

The filing continued: “[Barbara] cannot manage the minor child’s behavior without assistance from [Jenelle] and the conflict in [Barbara’s home] has resulted in domestic violence between [Barbara] and [Jace].

“It is not safe or healthy for the minor child to remain in the custody of [Barbara] as [Barbara] is not properly treating the minor child’s mental health or managing his behaviors.”


Jenelle claimed she is ‘fit and proper’ to have sole legal and physical custody[/caption]

Jenelle said she is “fit and proper” to have sole legal and physical custody of Jace, while Barbara is “not fit and proper to have the care, custody and control of [Jace] due to her lack of ability to properly care for the child and ensure he has a safe home environment.”

She asked for any visitation between Barbara and Jace to be “therapeutic in natural until they are able to appropriately manage the conflict in their relationship.”

Jenelle requested the court issue an emergency custody order for Jace to be transferred to her care “immediately.”

Barbara responded by requesting Columbus County Department of Social Services provide her attorney with documents, including medical records and psychological evaluations, for review. 


Jenelle claimed in January she has Jace full time, though Barbara denied her remarks[/caption]

Only one week before the motion for custody filing, Jenelle revealed she regained custody of Jace

She said in a TikTok video: “I have custody of Jace. He lives with me now full-time. My kids are happy, they’re healthy.”

But Barbara denied Jenelle’s claims that she has full custody in an interview. 

Jenelle then posted a YouTube video firing back at her mom.


Jenelle and Barbara are now estranged[/caption]

She claimed: “Jace was with me the past week because of his behavior. It was really bad… My mom couldn’t handle it. His behavior was horrible. The things he was doing was horrible. That’s all we’re saying about that. 

“My mom couldn’t handle it. She’s been calling me all the time to pick him up. He wouldn’t do his school work. I’m the only one who could make him do his school work.

“’Next time you act up you’re coming to my house, you’re going to be living here’ and my mom agreed. She said, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ Things are getting really bad. He’s cussing a lot. I don’t know where he gets it from because he’s definitely not getting it from my house.”

Jenelle said he had been with her for one to two weeks and was doing his school work.

 She continued: “She agreed for him to live with me. Now she’s trying to make me look like a dumba**. Now she’s taking it all back.

Teen Mom OG – Season 9

Season 9 was filmed as the outbreak of coronavirus hit America.

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Teen Mom OG ‘s season nine aired on January 26th 2021 on MTV.

“My mom and Jace are not safe around each other. I’m sick and tired of everyone trying to make me look like the idiot when I am telling the complete truth.”

She then said it is “time to get lawyers involved.”

Jenelle and Barbara remain estranged today, though she has posted with Jace.

Instagram/Jenelle Evans

Jenelle posted with Jace over the weekend[/caption]

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