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Ashley Cain rushes baby Azaylia to hospital for blood transfusion: ‘That’s no way for her to go’

Ashley Cain rushes baby Azaylia to hospital for blood transfusion

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Heartbroken dad Ashley Cain has revealed he had to rush his baby Azaylia to hospital after she began to bleed from her nose.

Speaking via a video on Instagram on Sunday night as the pair returned home, Ashley said he’d demanded a platelet transfusion after the eight-month-old, who is battling several tumours.

Azaylia has been diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukaemia and was brought home from hospital last week after doctors told Ashley and his partner Safiyya the devastating news that the cancer treatments were no longer working. 

Ex On The Beach star Ashley said, as his daughter slept next to him: ‘We rushed Azaylia in tonight on oxygen because she’d been bleeding out from the nose.

‘Because of her blood cancer it means it eats away at the cells that help to clot the blood, so with the tumours, plus the lack of platelets in her body, that means she could bleed out from the inside and that’s no way for Azaylia to go.’

Ashley added Azaylia had been ‘so happy and lively’ in the day, and insisted the quick-thinking decision may have given her ‘one, two, three’ more days to live.

Azaylia was sleeping next to Ashley as he shared the update (Picture: Instagram)

He went on: ‘If that can preserve us for one day, two days, three days, every day’s a blessing. Let’s go, champ.’

Pleading with other parents to ‘know their stuff’ when it comes to their children’s health, he said in a further video: ‘By taking pride in your child’s care and not leaving it to anybody else you know certain things that can preserve your child’s life or even give them an extra day or two days on this planet, because every moment is precious and I want every parent going through this to understand that.’

Ashley and Safiyya had been hoping to take Azaylia to Singapore for a year-long course of potentially life-saving treatment, and had fundraised over £1.5million to go towards the alternative therapy. 

Ashley has been updating his fans on Azaylia’s battle (Picture: Ashley Cain/Instagram)

However, the trip was no longer able to go ahead after doctors found more tumours and treatment was no longer working to combat Azaylia’s leukaemia. 

Updating his Instagram followers, Ashley explained: ‘‘So last week we had the bone marrow test and the lumbar puncture and bloods taken to send to Singapore in the hope that they could create therapy to save Azaylia’s life. 

‘Then we had to have a CT scan on her head and the results came back the next day to say she’s got two very big leukaemia tumours on her brain. 

‘They also said that the chemotherapy that is usually given to treat leukaemia in the spine or on the brain will not be available because she has too much pressure with these tumours.’ 

The couple have vowed to make the most of all the time they have left with their daughter and Safiyya told her followers that she wants to ensure Azaylia’s last days are full of happiness.

Over the weekend, they shared footage of them getting keepsake castings of Azaylia’s hands and feet. 

MORE : Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson sends video message to Ashley Cain amid daughter Azaylia’s leukaemia battle: ‘My heart breaks for you’

MORE : Ashley Cain and fiancée mark Azaylia being eight months old with keepsake castings of her hands and feet

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