First ever PS5 update this week adds USB external storage option

The PS5 is getting its first ever major update this week and it’ll finally allow you to move PS5 games onto a USB storage device.
Sony’s PlayStation 5 has been out for five months now and it hasn’t had a major update in all that time, which is actually good because it’s proof that there were no major technical issues at launch.
There are a number of promised features that aren’t currently available though and so fans will be pleased to know that the console will soon be able to use external USB storage devices to store PlayStation 5 games.
You won’t be able to play the games from the storage device, because they need the PlayStation 5’s propriety SSD to run, but you can store them there and transfer them back and forth as needed.
You also can’t download onto the USB device, so you’ll have to download the game onto the SSD and then move it afterwards. Games also won’t be automatically updated until you move them back to the SSD.
Also, the PlayStation Blog warns that some games, most notably Call Of Duty, will only allow you to move across certain parts of a game and not others.
The final caveat is that the feature doesn’t work with external SSDs, although support for M.2 drives will be added ‘in the future’.
This helps to address one of the intractable problems of the PlayStation 5, in that while the SSD may be super-fast it’s not very big, so you can’t store many games on it at once.
The other major feature to be added by the update is cross-generational support for Share Play. So, PlayStation 5 owners can have PlayStation 4 owners watch their game and, optionally, join in – or vice versa.
There’s also the new Request to Join function for both consoles, a new Game Base menu for switching between your party and other players, and a bunch of minor tweaks such as the option to disable game chat and adjust screen magnification.
The update will be available tomorrow, April 14, but Sony aren’t committing to a specific time when it’ll be available.
An update for the PlayStation App will be released at the same time though, adding online friend notifications and a wishlist option.

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