Who is Adam Toledo’s mother?
ADAM Toledo, a 13-year-old boy, was fatally shot by police in Chicago on March 29, 2021.
Body camera footage released to the public on April 15 showed Adam Toledo raising his hands in the air when he was killed.

Who is Adam Toledo’s mother?
Adam’s mother is Elizabeth Toledo, who told reporters in April of 2021 that her son “was so full of life.”
“They just took it away from him.”
She said she last saw her son, who was in seventh grade, during a gathering to memorialize a relative who died a few years ago.
She said he would sneak out at night while she was asleep.
“I want (to) know what happened,” she said.
“I just want justice for my son. That’s all.”
She would later say, as she urged calm: “Adam was a sweet and loving boy. He would not want anyone else to be injured or die in his name.”

What did Adam’s family say about the body camera footage?
Lawyers for the child’s family said in a statement that seeing the footage was “extremely difficult and heartbreaking for everyone present, and especially for Adam’s family.”
“We want to thank COPA for giving the Toledo family the opportunity to review body camera video and other evidence before its public release,” lawyer Joel Hirschhorn said.
It was the Civilian Office of Police Accountability in Chicago that released the surveillance videos of Adam’s death.
The horrific body camera footage shows Adam Toledo being gunned down with his hands in the air.
The teen was running from police alongside 21-year-old Ruben Roman, who would be taken into custody.
The arrest reports published by COPA indicated that the teen posed an “imminent threat of battery with a weapon.”
The police report said Officer Eric Stillman shot Adam for allegedly not following directions, running, using significant force likely to “cause death or great bodily harm,” and being armed with a semi-automatic pistol.
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In one nine-minute graphic body cam clip, a cop drives to the scene, where he knocks over one man they’re pursing and chases another, later identified as Adam.
“Stop right f***ing now – show me your f***ing hands!” the cop shouts, after officers responded to reports of at least nine gunshots and a “lot of commotion” in the South Sawyer area, according to 911 dispatcher audio.
Adam, wearing a white hat and carrying something, can be seen running ahead and ducking towards a gap in the fence before turning towards the cop and raising his empty hands as gunshots ring out.