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Tucker Carlson bursts into laughter at Rep Ted Lieu’s tweet telling Republican to ‘shove your racist replacement theory’

CONTROVERSIAL Fox News host Tucker Carlson ripped into California Representative Ted Lieu for telling a Republican representative to “take your racist replacement theory and shove it.”

“Luckily with people like Ted Lieu in charge, they’re not gonna get a lot done,” Carlson said while snickering at Lieu’s comments. “Guy’s a moron.”

Fox News

Tucker Carlson laughed at Democratic Representative Ted Lieu[/caption]

Lieu in a tweet told Republican Representative Scott Perry to “take your racist replacement theory and shove it”

Carlson was referring to a noted white supremacist theory that he himself has spewed on his show, claiming that immigrants are entering the country to take over the United States.

In opening his segment, Carlson pointed to the theory as tweeted by Republican California Representative Scott Perry, whom Lieu has shared a Twitter exchange telling the Republican to “shove your racist theory.”

“Now Perry was making an argument we have often made because it’s true,” Carlson said. “And that is the Democrats are using mass immigration to transform the country to change who votes, so they can control who wins.”

“Ted Lou was very annoyed that Scott Perry said this and so he sent the following tweet, and he was clearly enraged as he did,” Carlson continued while reading Lieu’s tweet exchange with Perry.

Carlson called Lieu a “moron” for his tweet
Lieu tweeted at Perry’s theory that immigrants are taking over the United States

“Native-born Americans like you are no more American, and no less American, than an immigrant like me. And with every passing year, there will be more people who look like me in the US. You can’t stop it. So take your racist replacement theory and shove it,” Lieu’s tweet read to Perry.

Carlson took issue with Lieu’s tweeting. “In other words, you’re being replaced and there’s nothing you can do about it, so shut up.”

At this point in the broadcast, Carlson broke into laughter before calling Lieu a moron.

It should be noted in opening the segment, Carlson said Lieu – who is a native of Taiwan – “is incredibly smart, went to Stanford and Georgetown.”

“So when Ted Lieu speaks, you’re really seeing the Democratic Party’s brain trust on display.”