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WATCH: Top 10 Deadliest Finishing Moves from The Attitude Era in WWE 2K Battlegrounds

The WWE Universe knows that the most successful time for the company was the Attitude Era. It wasn’t just the Superstars who made it great, but everyone involved. This ranges from the creative storylines, the impactful setting, and not having any PG era rules to adhere to.

It’s never going to be a forgotten era, and the company continues to endure this. Therefore, in their video game, WWE 2K Battlegrounds, it has the feature of letting players choose their favourite from the Attitude Era, and apply their brutal finisher moves.

Top 10 WWE Attitude Era finisher moves on WWE 2K Battlegrounds

At number 10, it is Jeff Hardy’s Twist of Fate. The video game includes added effects. Hardy and his opponent jump into the air before coming back down with a twist.

At number 9, it’s Chyna with her Gorilla Press Slam. It takes immense strength to pick up an opponent over the shoulders and slam them onto the floor. It’s impressive that Chyna used to do it in real-life inside the ring with opponents who were as skilled and strong as her.

At number 8, it’s Cactus Jack using his finisher Double-Arm DDT. The digital effects make the finisher look much more devastating. However, WWE fans know that when Cactus Jack actually used it, his opponents struggled to get back up on their feet.

At number 7, it’s Kane with his chokeslam. In the video game, users can modify the move to the point where Kane takes a flying twist before slamming his opponent on the floor.

At number 6, it’s Shawn Michaels’ super kick, also known as Sweet Chin Music. This kick came with power and brutality. HBK’s opponents had to be careful around him because this kick landed straight in the face.

At number 5, it’s The Rock. The video game allows players to use The Rock Bottom on opponents, and following that, the character will imitate him to mock his opponents.

At number 4, it’s The Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledriver. While it seems fantastic on screen, it was a risky move. The Undertaker was an extremely skilled wrestler who knew how to execute this move without breaking the neck of his opponent.

In fact, WWE banned the piledriver unless the wrestler using it has special permission from the company.


At number 3, it’s Triple H’s pedigree. This is another example of a finisher which the company banned. Wrestlers who tried to replicate the move executed it incorrectly, and devastation followed.

At number 2, it’s The Rock’s The People’s Elbow. Even though this isn’t a complicated move, it’s an effective one. To this day, wrestlers use The People’s Elbow as an effective way to put down their opponents.

At number 1, it’s Stone Cold Steve Austin’s infamous finisher, The Stunner. In the clip, it shows Austin applying to an authority which is apt from his time at the company during The Attitude Era, considering he was always challenging them.

It’s true that wrestlers of the current era have their own finisher moves such as Randy Orton’s RKO or Drew McIntyre’s claymore, some of the finishers of The Attitude Era still remain the most painful ones ever witnessed by the WWE Universe.

Read: The Story Behind Chris Jericho’s New Finishing Move “The Judas Effect”

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