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My partner is more committed to the gym than he is to me

DEAR DEIDRE: MY partner is fully committed to his exercise regime but won’t get serious with me.

He’s 52, I’m 50 and we’ve been together for five years.

Unlike me, he never married. For the first few years, I was happy to spend just weekends and one night during the week with him.

My man is more committed to the gym than he is to me

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But I’m now realising that this is all he is prepared to give me.

He trains religiously in the gym for hours on end, six days a week, yet he won’t make plans to spend more time with me.

I would like us to move in together but he says he’s not sure he’ll ever be ready for that.

I think his only true love is the gym. Should I cut my losses and leave him?

DEIDRE SAYS: After five years together – and a lifetime of bachelorhood – I am afraid it is unlikely your partner is going to change now.

He has been honest with you, so if you are not happy, it does sound like it is time for you to move on and find someone who can give you the commitment you crave.

My support pack When Your Man Won’t Commit should help you come to a decision.

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