Apex Legends: Fans Witness the Live Banning of a Cheater on NRG Rogue’s Stream
In the world of gaming, every genuine player has a tremendous amount of hatred towards cheaters. Fans of multiplayer games have constantly berated these players for ruining their experience by using tricks or aimbots to play better. These hackers plague the popular titles of the industry, from FPS shooters like Valorant to Battle Royale games like Apex Legends or Call of Duty Warzone.
But fans finally found some much-needed hope after they witnessed one of the most satisfying things to see, which was a live banning of a cheater in front of thousands.
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NRG Rogue meets hacker in Apex Legends
Apex Legends has its fair share of hackers in its game just like every other Battle Royale title. Popular NRG content creator Rogue even met one of these cheaters while playing the title. While streaming the match, fans and Rogue knew that his opponent was using hacks after the hacker hit almost perfect shots from long distances.
After his team died, Rogue and his crew spectated the cheater to confirm their doubts. For the next few minutes, viewers saw a lot of destruction from the hacker which included a lot of impossible shots from angles that even pro players won’t try. Everyone was shellshocked to see the enemy go on a tear, and many of them thought that they can’t do anything about it. But the game had other plans for the cheater.
Cheater receives ban while playing
As Rogue and his crew continued spectating, the cheater endured some hitches here and there. During these frozen moments, fans believed that the hacker finally received a ban, but then the player moved, and their hopes were dashed again. But, Apex Legends finally delivered, a few minutes later, with one hell of a moment for viewers to enjoy.
After somehow killing another enemy, the hacker froze again. But instead of moving, the cheater died, which meant that the ban hammer finally got to the player. Rogue and his crew were jubilant to witness such an amazing moment, along with his viewers.
People rarely receive an opportunity to see justice in the world of gaming. But for once, fans around the world observed something so good that it can truly make any gamer smile.
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