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QAnon rep brands Pelosi ‘mentally ill’ & compares her to Nazis

MARJORIE Taylor Greene has claimed Nancy Pelosi “mentally ill” and compared the House Speaker to the Nazis for “forcing reps to wear masks.”

The QAnon-touting representative gave an explosive interview slamming Pelosi on Thursday over the mask mandate in Congress.

Real America’s Voice

Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted Nancy Pelosi and claimed she was ‘mentally ill’[/caption]


The QAnon rep compared Pelosi to the Nazis over the mask mandate[/caption]

During the Real America’s Voice interview, host David Brody played a clip of the California Democrat asking whether reps could be trusted to take the Covid-19 vaccine, which enraged Greene.

“This woman is mentally ill,” she claimed. “You know, we can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were definitely treated [as] second-class citizens.

“So much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany. And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about.”

Greene, who once blamed the California wildfires on “Jewish space lasers,” has been accused of anti-Semitism over her 2018 Facebook post about it.

She insinuated that the Rothschilds were involved. Blaming the banking family over world events is an age-old anti-Semitic stereotype and QAnon conspiracy.

Earlier in the interview, Greene ranted about Pelosi not wearing a face-covering in the White House with President Joe Biden.

This comes after the CDC eased their coronavirus guidelines as the vaccine rollout ramped up across the country.

“Nancy Pelosi is enjoying herself mask-free at the White House while she’s running a tyrannical, oppressive workplace here at the House of Representatives,” the Georgia politician raged.

“[She’s] forcing us to wear masks, abusing our individual freedoms, demanding that members of Congress get the Covid vaccine, which is still not approved by the FDA by the way.

“And you can’t even demand to know people’s private medical records. So our vaccine history is none of her business. As a matter of fact, it’s a violation of our HIPAA rights for her to demand to know.”

She also accused Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of being “completely disconnected from reality,” also claiming she was “unwell” and “maybe just not that intelligent.”

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