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Mum reveals ‘life changing’ trick to stop those dreaded store tantrums and it’s completely FREE

IMAGINE being able to walk past toys in store with your little one, WITHOUT them having a tantrum. 

Well, this savvy mum has found a trick and decided to share it to her 18.8k TikTok followers. 


Nicole DiMarco has discovered a trick to help when shopping around with the kids[/caption]

Nicole DiMarco says it is best to acknowledge what they want, with lots of enthusiasm. 

In the video, she subtitled it, and wrote: “This trick has saved me from so many tantrums in store.

“Validate their interest in the toy by saying ‘wow, that is such a good toy!’

“I take out my phone and take a photo of them and show them the picture.


Nicole says it works for her and has saved her from so many store tantrums[/caption]


She will always acknowledge what the child wants and then she will take a picture on her phone[/caption]

“Then I tell them I am texting it to Santa to put it on their Christmas list.”

She also commented on the video, writing: “Then save the photos to an album & share it with family for gift ideas! You can also do their Birthday List Or Hanukkah!” 

And the video, which has been liked over 90k times, was praised by many followers. 


Nicole then will ‘text’ the picture to Santa to put it on their Christmas list[/caption]


Other parents were so thankful that Nicole shared her parenting hack[/caption]

One follower wrote: “That’s actually a great idea !!!”

Another said: “Yup. I absolutely did this when my kids were little!! Weekends like a charm!!” 

A third explained: “This. Is. Life. Changing.”

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