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Fortnite: where is the downed helicopter and broken telescopes?

Fortnite downed black helicopter
Are Mulder and Scully going to make a cameo next season? (pic: YouTube)

The current season of Fortnite is coming to an end and the latest quests give a hint as to what the theme of the next one will be all about.

Season 6 of Fortnite is coming to an end and the theme for the next one seems to revolve around UFOs and aliens. Some kind of conspiracy is certainly going on, given all the black helicopters that are crashed around the map and the fact that all the telescopes have been smashed – so no one can keep watching the skies.

Season 7 isn’t expected to start until sometime next month but if you want further hints as to what it will be about, and what’s happening with the story, then you need to start exploring the new additions to the map.

These unexplained disturbances are at the heart of two of the game’s new quests. Quests that can be frustratingly difficult if you don’t have a map, which is why the one below is so useful.

Plan your route before you start a match

How to find the downed black helicopter in Fortnite

There’s only one crashed helicopter and you can find it in the woods just west of Guardian Spire, on an island in the southern lake – as indicated by the circle in the map below.

It’s pretty easy to spot as it made a big old mess as it went down, so you should even be able to see it from the sky, as you glide down at the start of a match.

When you get there, you need to tune the helicopter’s radio by pressing the plus or minus buttons until you can read the whole of the message.

The button presses needed are random but working them out is pretty easy – if the message starts to disappear again just press the opposite button until it’s all revealed.

How to find and repair damaged telescopes in Fortnite

This is a little more complicated, but only because there are several smashed telescopes that you need to find before the mission is complete.

The squares on the map above indicate their location and as you can see there’s seven on them, which might be a lot to cram into just one match. Luckily, you only have to repair five in total and don’t have to do them all at once.

To repair a telescope you need to collect 20 metal resources, which you can get by blowing up anything that’s made of metal. Just remember that you’ll lose your resources at the end of a match though, so don’t bother hording.

If you’ve got enough metal just approach a telescope and press the button prompt to repair it, then get ready to move on to the next one.

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