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Lunar eclipse 2021: Incredible pics show Super Flower Blood Moon lighting up skies around the world ahead of eclipse

GET ready for the Flower Moon on Wednesday, when May’s full moon becomes visible as the only lunar eclipse of 2021, with this the year’s biggest “supermoon.”

Earth’s shadow will block most of the sun’s light on Wednesday, which will promote a large reflection off the moon and thus showing the moon as a red-like object, earning the name “blood moon.”

Read the latest in our lunar eclipse live blog here.

Bav Media

A supermoon is expected this Wednesday at around 5AM[/caption]


The moon will be the closest to earth this year[/caption]

Different than other years, however, reports, the moon will enter perigee, or the closest it is to the earth.

This means that while the moon is in perigee, it will appear slightly larger than the full moon, giving the impression of a “supermoon” in orbit.

The phenomenon has become known as the “Super Flower Blood Moon” given its rare attributes.

The moon is expected to light up the sky on Wednesday, producing a red hue which would be visible to most of the world.


The moon has been dubbed the “Super Flower Blood Moon” given its rare attributes[/caption]


People can watch the moon’s eclipse on livestream through the Griffith Observatory[/caption]

Scientists predict the moon, dubbed the Penumbral eclipse given its trajectory over the earth, will be expect at around 4:46AM on Wednesday.

There will be a partial eclipse at around 5:44AM, with a full eclipse at 7:11AM and a peak around 7:18AM. The eclipse is expected to end at around 7:25AM.

For those hoping not to wake up too early, fear not: a partial eclipse will end at around 8:52AM, following the ending of the Penumbral eclipse at 9:49AM.

The Griffith Observatory in LA said people need not worry about instruments, and can safely view the eclipse from the unaided eye without equipment.

There are multiple live streams available of the eclipse for those who are up but aren’t at the exact vantage point, including one from the Griffith Observatory which will stream the eclipse on Youtube starting at 4:45AM until 9AM.

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