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Cops fear Imam who was convicted of abusing 2 girls and fled UK faked death to sneak back into the country

POLICE are investigating whether an Imam who fled the UK after abusing two girls faked his own death to sneak back in the country.

Hafiz Rahman was found guilty in his absence of abusing the young girls – including one as young as six – in 2016.


Hafiz Rahman fled the UK after being convicted of abusing two young girls[/caption]

But The Sun revealed how the 63-year-old monster had fled the UK for Bangladesh just two hours after the conviction.

Police are now investigating claims the fiend died in Bangladesh and fear he may have faked his own death to sneak back into the UK and escape justice.

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: “We have received information that the absconded offender has died in Bangladesh.

“We are making enquiries with the Foreign Office and Bangladeshi authorities to confirm the accuracy of this information.”


One of Rahman’s victims also believes the paedo hasn’t died while in hiding.

She said: “I don’t believe for a second he’s dead.

“His family claimed they had not seen or spoken to him since he fled – so how do they know that he’s dead?

“I think he’s faked his own death to come back to the UK because he’s stupid enough to do that.”

During a five-day trial in 2016, the court was told Rahman was “treated like royalty” by the Muslim community.

But his used his power to abuse the girls at Queens Cross Mosque in Dudley, West Mids., in the 1980s.

His youngest victim was preyed on after she was sent to him for religious tuition.


Rahman was found guilty of five charges of indecent assault at Wolverhampton Crown Court in 2016.

But a judge let him go home on bail after he claimed he felt ill two days before the end of his trial.

The night before he was due to be sentenced, police visited his home to confiscate his passport.

But Rahman was already planning to use a fake passport to flee to Bangladesh on a one-way ticket.

He was jailed for 11 years and made to sign the sex offender’s register with a protection order enforced banning him from working with children again in his absence.

His victim, now aged 45, said: ““I have not given up on day finally getting justice but the pain is never-ending.

“Sometimes you wonder why you bothered coming forward, but I’m glad I did because that gave another victim the courage to come forward as well.

“I need it to be over and for him to be brought to justice.

“He has absolutely no conscience over what he did. If anyone knows where he is or has any information, please call the police.

“I always believe one day I will get that phone call saying ‘we have got him’.”

Richard Stanton

Rahman used to power to abuse his victims[/caption]

Richard Stanton

He was jailed for 11 years in his absence in 2016[/caption]


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