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How to stop hay fever keeping your kids awake as temperatures and pollen levels soar

ALLERGY season is upon us and the soaring temperatures this Bank Holiday weekend mean that more of us are spending time outdoors.

Today is tipped to be the hottest day of the year so far with temperatures set to hit 25C in some parts of the UK.


Kids can struggle with allergies at the best of times and experts have given their top tips on how to help them sleep better during allergy season[/caption]

Experts have also warned that Brits could be hit with a pollen bomb.

Data from the Kleenex Pollen Forecast shows pollen levels are continuing to climb with peak pollen season ahead of us.

The sunny weather is expected to contribute heavily to higher pollen levels and for many people who suffer with hay fever, the higher pollen count can make life difficult.

Children also suffer from hay fever and can become irritable if they experience itchy eyes or a runny nose caused by more pollen being present in the air.

The hot weather could push the main grass pollen season forward – which is when the majority of hay fever sufferers are hit.

Sleep can also be disrupted by hay fever making those summer nights difficult to get through – especially for kids.

Experts at SleepSeeker have revealed their top tips for helping your little ones drift off to sleep.

1. Purify the air

The experts say that using an air purifier in their bedroom during the day will ensure the room is clean for night time.

It will also get rid of any nasty pollen, mites and viruses from your home, which is a great way to keep your home free of a whole range of nasties.

Pollen Forecaster Dr Beverley-Adams Groom explains on behalf of Clarityn said: “If possible, have a room in the home that can be kept as a pollen-free sanctuary.

“This means keeping doors and windows shut, perhaps running an air-purifier, vacuuming and dusting the room regularly, not entering the room with clothes on that have been outside or allowing pets in that could have accumulated pollen on their fur.”

Regions with high forecasts for tree pollen:

London: 277 PPM

Belfast: 285 PPM

Bristol: 267 PPM

Leeds: 272 PPM

Leicester: 289 PPM

Liverpool: 290 PPM

Manchester: 281 PPM

Nottingham: 288 PPM

2. Close doors and windows

This can help with keeping allergens out of your home, instead of allowing air from the outside into your bedroom.

The experts say that this effectively will stop outside pollen and pollutants from being invited into your home.

However if you’re having guests over to your house then the government recommends you keep windows open in order to let air out to stop the spread of Covid-19.

3. Clean out their sinuses

Rinsing their sinus is a good way of clearing out any pollen or dust that has got trapped inside their nose, the experts say.

“Trapped dirt or pollen can cause irritation and headaches, and so cleaning the area regularly can help remove excess mucus and clear out any allergy-causing particles”, they added.

4. Sleeping in an upright position

Propping some pillows underneath their head will keep you in an upright position.

This, the experts say, will allow drainage from any congestion that may occur during sleep, in order to keep them happily in the land of nod.

5. Clean their bedroom

The experts said that allergy particles can stick to floors.

In order to avoid this you should clean carpets more often or even replace it with wooden flooring in your little one’s bedroom.

Cleaning of any soft furnishings and dusting of sides will keep dust and pollen particles down, they added.


Keeping your home clean will help stop the build up of allergens on surfaces[/caption]

6. Change where you dry the washing

Instead of hanging washing out to dry in the warmer months, it is best to dry them in a dryer if possible, the experts say.

This will stop pollen from attaching to your clothes outside whilst drying and help keep that pollen away from their skin.

7. Keep pets out

As much as we love our pets, it’s best to keep them out of your children’s bedroom if they have allergies.

This is because they can often be carrying pollen and dust mites into your bedroom which will increase irritation at night.

8. Anti allergy products

Using anti dust mite, antibacterial products can aid a great night’s sleep for anyone suffering with symptoms of allergies.

Dr Beverley said when it comes to hay fever remedies, don’t panic buy – research now so you have the right one on hand.

 “Antihistamine reduces the effect of histamine production. Histamine is released in the nose in response to the invading allergen and causes sneezing, swelling, itchiness and mucous production.

“Several antihistamines on the market (e.g. loratadine, cetirizine hydrochloride, acrivastine) are non-sedating in the majority of users, but there are several other forms, which may cause drowsiness. There are also ranges of nasal sprays, barrier creams and sodium cromoglicate eye drops. Always consult your local pharmacist for further advice.”

9. Wash before bed

A pre-sleep wash will enable them to wash off all of the pollen from your body and hair that has accumulated over the day, allowing them to enter a good night’s sleep without disturbance.

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