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From avoiding TV to no nightcaps, how to never have a bad night’s sleep again

ANOTHER victim of the pandemic is sleep, with nearly two-thirds of us struggling to feel fully rested.

But psychotherapist Heather Darwall-Smith has the answers with her new book, which explores the science behind our snoozing habits.

Psychotherapist Heather Darwall-Smith has explored the science behind our snoozing habits
She reveals her top tips in new book The Science Of Sleep

Here, she offers Laura Stott her top tips for a good night’s kip.

  •  The Science Of Sleep, by Heather Darwall-Smith (£14.99, is out now.

Keep a routine


Try to keep a consistent routine seven days a week[/caption]

HAVE a consistent sleep and waking up time, seven days a week.

Count back from the time you need to get up to find the bedtime that ensures you get the rest you need.

Slumber needs are personal. But if you are drowsy in the day, you most likely need more.

Comfort is key

The Sun

Make your bedroom a safe haven you look forward to retreating to[/caption]

ENSURE your bedroom is cool and dark, and your bed, bedding and nightwear are all comfortable.

Use earplugs if a partner’s snores or external sounds disturb you.

Make your bedroom a safe haven you want to retreat too.

Avoid kip debt


Remember that long lie-ins don’t repay the bill, they just upset the routine[/caption]

WHEN we don’t achieve the kip we need, the result is a sleep debt.

Long lie-ins don’t repay the bill, they just upset the routine.

Catch up safely by having an early night but waking up at your normal time.



Keeping your room between 16 and 18C is ideal[/caption]

AS we get sleepier, our body temperature drops so a cool room can bring a good night’s kip. Sixteen to 18C is ideal.

Many of us overheat at night simply because we are too warm.

Sleep naked or in breathable PJs, and try opening a window or two.



Try to relax before bedtime with yoga, reading or meditation[/caption]

RELAXING with yoga, reading, listening to slow music or meditation apps, and having a lukewarm bath can all help you de-stress before bedtime.

A calm mind is crucial for good sleep.

Reduce stimulation


Avoid ‘doom scrolling’ and intense films as much as possible[/caption]

MINIMISE screen time and avoid social media and emails at night.

It is particularly important that you don’t “doom scroll” or watch high-octane movies before you turn in.

This can overstimulate the brain and keep you alert and awake.

Eat to nod off

The Sun

Stick to food like eggs and milk before bed, rather than fatty foods[/caption]

TAKE care with stimulating foods before nodding off.

Caffeine, spicy and indigestion-inducing fatty foods can hinder sleep, especially if consumed after 2pm.

Stick to foods with magnesium and tryptophan, which aids the production of mood-stabilising serotonin and melatonin, which regulates sleep. These include Brazil nuts, eggs, and milk.

Swerve nightcaps


Alcohol can seriously disrupt sleep cycles and quality[/caption]

ALCOHOL induces drowsiness but can also seriously disrupt sleep cycles and quality, especially impacting the waking process.

Booze can also trigger bad dreams, snoring, sleep-walking and unhelpful loo trips. Best avoided if possible.

Why do we…

EVER wondered about odd bedtime habits? Here’s why they happen.


Evidence suggests dreaming helps process memories and emotions, allowing us to “relive” events. Nightmares are usually triggered by depression or stress.


For 70 per cent of sufferers, teeth grinding stems from stress or anxiety. For others it can be genetic, such as bone structure issues.


As muscles in the throat and mouth relax, snorers’ tissues sag into the windpipe, forcing air around them at volume. You are more likely to make night noises if you smoke, drink alcohol, are overweight, take medication or sleep on your back.


Probably due to the combination of hormones released when you climax – oxytocin, the love hormone, and serotonin, the happy hormone. These help you to relax, relieve pain and reduce stress, signalling it’s time for sleep.

See the light


Natural light helps synchronise your internal body clock[/caption]

IF you can, get outside first thing daily. Natural light helps synchronise your internal body clock, which controls sleep patterns, known as circadian rhythm.

Light exposure in the evening can push sleep cycles towards a later bedtime.

Get up


If you struggle to sleep, get up and do a non-screen-based activity, rather than lying in bed[/caption]

IF you are shattered but can’t nod off, lying in bed and craving sleep probably won’t work.

Instead get up, leave the bedroom, and do a non-screen-based activity to soothe you towards catching some shut-eye.

If it’s an occasional bad night then watching a quiet TV show is OK, but avoid telly if you have any long-term sleep issues.

Keep a diary


You’ll be able to spot any external factors causing issues by keeping a sleep journal[/caption]

TRACKING sleep habits can help you spot any external factors causing issues.

Note anything from bedtime, childcare, work stress, exercise or diet over each 24-hour period.

Be active


Between 3 and 7pm is optimal time for aerobic training[/caption]

DAYTIME exercise helps to regulate your sleep clock but always leave enough time to cool down before bed.

Avoid strenuous activity as sleep time approaches. Between 3-7pm is optimal for aerobic training.

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