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Stray cat nursed back to health has permanently startled expression like Garfield

A CAT was nursed back to health — but his permanently startled expression makes him look like cartoon favourite Garfield.

Natalia Zhdanova, 40, found Fedya in her back yard as a sickly stray when he was a few days old.


Fedya was nursed back to health — but his permanently startled expression makes him look like cartoon favourite Garfield[/caption]

Other20th Century Fox

A still from the film Garfield[/caption]

She helped him to recover — but Fedya, now 18 months old, was left with a deformity in his face.

Natalia, who makes children’s books in Rostov, Russia, said: “We’re not sure if it’s a genetic deformity or if he was dropped by his mum as a kitten.

“He is a very sweet, gentle, playful cat.”


Natalia Zhdanova found Fedya in her back yard as a sickly stray when he was a few days old[/caption]


Natalia helped him to recover — but Fedya, now 18 months old, was left with a deformity in his face[/caption]


Natalia said: ‘He is a very sweet, gentle, playful cat’[/caption]


Natalia added: ‘He was very weak and was dying. Now he is much healthier’[/caption]

“He was very weak and was dying.

“Now he is much healthier.”

“He purrs very loudly.”

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