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Guardians Of The Galaxy game hands-on preview and interview – I am Groot (and Mass Effect)

Guardians Of The Galaxy – it’s up to you to keep the team together (pic: Square Enix)

GameCentral plays the new Guardians Of The Galaxy game and talks to the developers about its similarities to Avengers, Mass Effect, and Oxenfree.

Being told your game is better than expected is probably not the greatest compliment a developer could hope for, but the makers of Guardians Of The Galaxy seemed to understand that current anticipation for the game may not be quite as fervent as the high profile licence would suggest. Square Enix’s Avengers game is one reason for that, but it has to be said that the reveal of Guardians Of The Galaxy, back in June, was also fairly underwhelming.

It didn’t look bad, but it also didn’t look great, with most people unable to get past the fact that there’s no co-op and you only ever play as Star-Lord. That is odd but, although there is some evidence to the contrary, developer Eidos-Montréal (best known for Deux Ex and Shadow Of The Tomb Raider) deny that the game was ever meant as anything other than single-player. We’ll probably never know for sure but having now played an hour long section of the game it does make a lot more sense when you compare it, not to Avengers but to Mass Effect.

The games aren’t close copies by any means but what we got to play was apparently four hours into the game and started off in the Guardians’ spaceship, the Milano, as you’re given the choice to either get on with the mission or wander about talking to the crew and strengthening your relationship with them. So you can see where the comparisons come from.

We tried to chat to everyone and in those relatively brief conversations learnt more about Rocket’s backstory than you ever do in the movies, while also discovering Gamora’s secret hobby that she’s deeply embarrassed by. Your relationship with the rest of the Guardians is extremely important to the game, as Star-Lord is only barely tolerated as the group’s leader and it takes constant, careful diplomacy to keep everyone working together.

At any time you can tell another Guardian to interact with another person or object, whether it’s getting Drax to pick up and throw an explosive barrel during combat or asking Rocket to hack a door when exploring – something you may have to ask more than once if they’re not happy with you. The game is filled with moments where you have to make a binary decision, often one that will upset one Guardian or another, and they all stack up to influence your relationships, the course of the story, and your options in combat.

Like Avengers, Guardians of The Galaxy is a third person shooter with a large team of allied fighters, but in practice the similarities are fairly mild, with Guardians working much more like a squad-based shooter. Star-Lord doesn’t have any superpowers but he can fly and has a gun that can fire one of four elemental types of ammo – although only ice was available in the section we played.

Where Avengers focused almost solely on combat Guardians seems to be more puzzle-based, with more variety in objectives, such as unlocking the Milano from its dock, and a greater tactical element where you have to revive fallen comrades and keep everyone’s morale up, including calling upon a group huddle where you try to pick something motivational to say and if it hits home a song from Star-Lord’s personal collection plays (we got Tainted Love, Take on Me, and Since You’ve Been Gone, amongst others).

Apart from the third person action the other similarity with Avengers is that the visual design is very close to the movies without ever being exactly the same. We still feel that’s a mistake on the part of both games, especially given Guardians Of The Galaxy in the comics is so different, but the only nod to that seems to be finding and using extra costumes.

The character backstories are closer to the comics, though, with Star-Lord not being related to Ego the Living Planet and Thanos being reportedly dead at the start of the game – after having tried to an enact a plan similar to the movies, while also retaining elements of the Mistress Death storyline from the comics.

The goal in the playable demo was enjoyably mundane though: paying off a fine with Nova Corps. Rocket wants to keep the money, and so is grumbling the whole way through the mission, but when you get to the Nova Corps spacestation you find it almost deserted. Only later do you discover it’s been taken over by the Universal Church Of Truth, who have brainwashed or killed everyone else – which is when the fighting starts.

There are skill trees and customisable weapons but while Guardians Of The Galaxy may not be considered a true action role-player it’s barely any less so than Mass Effect 2 and 3. The combat is less visceral than Avengers but there’s both depth and challenge, since we died a good few times before learning how important staggering enemies and crowd control is – you can’t just fight on your own and leave the others to fend for themselves.

Guardians Of The Galaxy – the combat isn’t as visceral as Avengers but it’s more tactical (pic: Square Enix)

We enjoyed our time with the game and so when we told senior creative director Jean-François Dugas and senior gameplay director Patrick Fortier about being pleasantly surprised we meant it solely as a compliment…

GC: As soon as I started chatting with the Guardians, and I saw the similarities to Mass Effect extended to the gameplay, it all started to make sense to me. Does that seem fair? Have I got the gist of it now?

JFD: I think you do, yes. I think even for us, sometimes we’re being asked what were our references or inspirations and some people like to draw parallels with Mass Effect. But it’s funny as from the beginning of this project, as we started to brainstorm, it was not necessarily a game we were talking about, even though they are some natural similarities.

GC: I mean, it’s not like it’s a clone or anything, but that’s the first game that came into my head once I started play.

JFD: Actually, Oxenfree was one game we did look at.

GC: Oh, really? Well, that has a great dialogue system.

PF: We really liked that. For us we had to ask what is the key element of the franchise? And it’s this dysfunctional family, these misfits coming together and bonding as a team. And so we knew it was going to be about teamwork. And then it’s, like, well, there’s a lot of games out there about teams. Like in RPGs you have your party and so on, but how do we look at it from maybe a different angle? How do we capitalise on our strengths as a studio? And how do we leverage the opportunities of working with this franchise? And eventually, as we started looking at it, we’re like, ‘Well, if we really want to make you experience that, could we do it from the inside?’

Could we make it so you’re a part of the team, but you don’t control the team? Sometimes you have to convince people to do things. Sometimes you get pulled in a direction you don’t want to, sometimes you try to resist. Sometimes you trust the team, sometimes you don’t – that felt novel. You know, that’s not something that’s been done too much in a video game.

It allows us to showcase what the Guardians are all about, the personalities of the characters and give them a lot of face time. So ultimately we started looking at the experience like that, and not in terms of: here are the standards for combat or here’s what’s expected for this or that. We wanted to know how do we make you feel like you’re hanging out with the Guardians?

And that’s why moments like on the Milano were so important for us, to see them in their real life environment, where Drax is reading a book about sarcasm and that sort of thing. So from the start, that’s really what we wanted to do. We knew it was going to be unintuitive to say you only play one character and it’s the Guardians of the Galaxy. We’ve had some people reading about it on paper, we did focus groups or whatever…

GC: That is the problem.

PF: But then when they played it they’re like, ‘Oh, okay. I get it!’

JFD: Several years ago we took that direction, to put you in the shoes of just one of the Guardians and we knew there are people, when they will hear that, who will scream. But if we pull it off, it will work. And we were convinced, deep down inside, that we could make it work. It took us time to make it work and make it right. But when you manage to make those characters feel alive in all aspects of the game, it puts you at the centre of the decisions and everything.

It’s cool because some of your decisions will lead to scenario A or B and eventually some of the bigger choices will have an impact on how the climax unfolds. So suddenly you’re engaged in something much deeper.

PF: And that’s where maybe the comparison with Mass Effect comes in, in terms of being narrative driven and the RPG aspect is much more in the background. And that was actually purposeful, you know, gameplay wise. I actually wanted to get out of the way a little bit sometimes, because we didn’t want players to always be looking for the next chest and always looking for the next resource and the next thing that you need for a new weapon and a new ability tree. Because then you have no head space left to look around and just enjoy being in the team.

Guardians Of The Galaxy – the dialogue’s not hilarious but it did get one good laugh out of us during the demo (pic: Square Enix)

GC: I assume one of the most difficult characters to write must be Rocket, because even in the movies he can be quite wearying. I was certainly getting fed up of his moaning during the demo.

Both: [laughs]

GC: How much can you affect how he evolves over the course of the game? Can your interaction with him make him even more miserable and grumpy or, by the end, can you get to a point where he’s a bit friendlier and more optimistic?

PF: There are consequences but they’re more binary. There’s not a whole system where he leaves the team forever or he becomes the new leader, the narrative is still controlled from beginning to end. It’s more about how you experienced it. I compare it sometimes to a travel story, where maybe we both leave from the same city and we both land in the same city, but you lost your luggage while I had a whining baby. So we have different travel stories but we went through the same main beats.

But the characters do go through these growth moments. And even gameplay wise, some of their mega abilities, their special abilities that will get unlocked, come from these narrative moments. There are decisions that you make really early on in the game that may be really beneficial much later in the game, where you might have more help from some characters or access to certain items that’s going to help you, or even completely different gameplay moments.

JFD: If you try to do it another way then it becomes more like a RPG and that’s not the vision we had for this game, where we wanted to centre it more about the character journey to that big adventure and focus on the consequences based on the decisions you make.

GC: Just before I’m told to stop, I must say I really liked the creature designs for the aliens we were shown in the hands-off preview video. For once in science fiction they looked genuinely alien, they weren’t just something with four legs and teeth. Is that something from the comics or where you making that up yourself?

PF: [laughs] That’s our art department and it was a very conscious decision, like putting our own style on the game and creating a whole ecosystem and thinking about how these creatures would interact with one another.

JFD: The goal was to make you feel like you’re really traveling to alien worlds.

GC: I liked that it wasn’t just a desert planet or a quarry.

Both: [laughs]

PF: Our development team worked a lot on Deus Ex so it was very liberating for us, we were getting off of planet Earth. We don’t have to justify every little mechanism and every little thing, and we can kind of have fun. And, yes, there is sound in space and our art team just really embraced the setting and just really had fun with it.

JFD: Some aliens our own invention and they will now be part of the Marvel lore and some were inspired by our interpretation of the Marvel lore. So it’s a mix of both, in terms of where they came from.

Guardians Of The Galaxy – will it be as popular as the films? (pic: Square Enix)

[At this point our time was up on Zoom but we followed up with a few gameplay questions via email.]

GC: What have you done to purposefully distinguish the game from Avengers, since they are both third person brawlers with multiple friendly characters on screen. How similarly do they play and what are the major differences?

JFD: To be perfectly honest, we didn’t do anything to ‘purposefully’ differentiate the game from Avengers, since the games essentially shared parallel development cycles. We discovered the game close to its release, like everyone else. That’s when we noticed there were some similarities, like the notion of stagger on enemies, but mostly differences. Our combat system is centred around coordinated team actions and collaboration. Operating as a unit is key to success. We also have no side quests or online components, and you only control one character as the experience is composed of one big narrative adventure from start to finish. It’s probably fair to say that Marvel’s Avengers is a more mechanics-driven game while Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is a more narratively-driven experience.

GC: Speaking more generally, the action elements are reminiscent of old school beat ‘em-ups, which I consider a good thing. But that’s a style of game that has never been successfully updated for the modern era, with few attempts to even try. Why do you think that is and what are the similarities and differences with your game in terms of the kind of pacing and tactics involved?

JFD: We didn’t intentionally try to emulate old school beat ‘em-ups, but having said that, we do have very large numbers of enemies on screen at times which promotes a ‘run and gun’ approach, so that may be where that impression is coming from. From the beginning, we wanted combat to be fast and focused in order to provide an exciting change of pace to the adventure, without overshadowing the rest of the game.

Combat is just one of the pillars in the game, so we didn’t want to go too deep and crowd players’ heads with too many mechanics. We recognised that ‘wanting to know what’s going to happen next’ is the driving force of the experience, so combat had to create an ‘I’m excited when it’s happening, but I’m happy when it’s over’ sort of feeling.

You cannot do effective storytelling if your game is just a continuous series of arenas with a few narrative beats in-between. Our desire for approachability coupled to the hectic amount of things going on, where we challenge players more on how to prioritise their actions rather than on the difficulty to execute them, is probably what provides a bit of that old school beat ’em-up flavour.

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GC: The game seems fairly tough, which is reassuring, and I died quite a bit at first. What are the common mistakes people make at first and how do these underline the depth and uniqueness of the game?

JFD: We do offer a variety of difficulty modes to cater both to players who want more challenging gameplay and those who simply want to enjoy the story. Having said that, we have noticed that most players experience a good challenge even on the standard setting. When people start playing, they have a tendency to emulate what they do in other games by engaging solely with Star-Lord. This is not a winning tactic in our game as Peter is definitely not the strongest person on the battlefield.

As players start using their team and adapting their strategies to their different abilities, they notice how much more effective they become and feel encouraged to experiment more and more to ultimately develop their own playstyle. New players also tend not to capitalise on the stagger system by failing to use the team abilities on fully staggered enemies.

Once they get used to the system, players will know precisely how to read the battlefield, which enemies to prioritise on, what their weaknesses are, and how to best assist and rely on the other Guardians to achieve maximum efficiency.

Formats: PC (previewed), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch*, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Eidos-Montréal
Release Date: 26th October 2021

*streaming only

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