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WWE star Lacey Evans welcomes baby into the world and shares photos of home birth

Lacey Evans has given birth at home (Picture: @LaceyEvansWWE)

Lacey Evans has given birth to her second child.

The WWE superstar, 31, who already has daughter Summer, and her husband Alfonso Estrella-Kadlec welcomed their baby girl into the world this week after the Sassy Southern Belle decided on a home birth so she could have her family by her side.

Alongside photos of the emotional moment, she wrote: ‘I found out shortly after getting pregnant that due to covid my family wouldn’t get to fully be part of welcoming our second child into the world.

‘My daughter wouldn’t be allowed in the hospital at all and my husband would have many restrictions. I couldn’t imagine my Lil lady missing it.

‘I couldn’t imagine the limitations and the birthing experience we would be left with…… so home it was. Born 4.20am in my recliner. 7lbs 8oz. With my Lil lady and husband by my side the entire time.

‘I got to see her reaction. I got to watch his smile. It was one of the hardest yet most rewarding things I’ve ever done and She is perfect. I’m going to take a nap now.’

Lacey made the choice to have her baby at home due to the pandemic (Picture: @LaceyEvansWWE)

She wanted to make sure her older daughter could be there to witness the birth (Picture: @LaceyEvansWWE)

Lacey had announced her pregnancy in February (Picture: @LaceyEvansWWE)

WWE has already offered their congratulations to the proud parents as they revealed the happy news on their website.

The company said: ‘Congratulations to the happy mom, dad and big sister!’

More: WWE

The wrestler, whose real name is Macey Estrella, had announced her pregnancy in February during an episode of Raw.

At the time, she was scheduled to challenge Asuka for the Raw Women’s Championship at February’s Elimination Chamber bout on pay-per-view, but she was removed from the billing after announcing she was expecting.

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