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‘Doomsday’ glacier size of the UK melting at alarming rate risks 10ft sea level rise – how you could be impacted

ALARMING cracks are said to be showing in a ‘Doomsday’ glacier that could raise sea levels to destructive heights.

Scientists have warned that an ice shelf on the Thwaites Glacier could collapse and melt, resulting in sea levels rising by two foot and even ten foot if it drags other glaciers with it.

Flood Fire treeThis is what a ten foot sea level rise could look like in New York if flood defences were not put in place[/caption]

Flood Fire treeA ten foot sea level rise without defences would also cause major issues for London[/caption]

The Thwaites Glacier is one of the largest in Antarctica and it’s about the size of Great Britain.

It’s sometimes referred to as a ‘Doomsday glacier’ because its melting would spell disaster for some costal areas.

A huge ice shelf which hangs off the glacier and out into the sea could break off within five years, according to new research.

Scientists claim this could raise sea levels by over two foot but there’s also fears it could be up to ten foot if the ice shelf drags the surrounding glaciers with it.

A ten foot sea level rise could result in flooding in a lot of coastal towns.

The alarming findings were recently presented at the American Geophysical Union’s annual meeting by scientists from International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration.

The scientists are part of a group of almost 100 researchers funded by the US and the UK.

Professor Ted Scambos, a senior research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) previously stated: “The glacier in its entirety holds enough water to raise sea level by over two feet (60cm).

“And it could lead to even more sea level rise, up to 10 feet (three meters), if it draws the surrounding glaciers with it.”

Some ice from glaciers does melt naturally and flows into the sea.

The ice shelf on the Thwaites glacier is important because it slows this flow of ice off of Antartica.

If the shelf collapsed more ice would drift away and sea levels could rise quickly.

The ice shelf is said to be cracking on top and warmer ocean warmer is said to be melting it from beneath.

Satellite data has indicated that the cracks could spell the end for the ice shelf within five years.

Although flooding simulations indicate this would be disastrous, bear in mind they don’t account for any flood defences that could be put in place or attempts to stop the ice shelf collapsing.

AGUThe ice shelf is cracking on top and melting from beneath[/caption]

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