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Tech fanatic’s predictions from 10 years ago about how the world would look in 2022 surprisingly come TRUE

A TECH fanatic’s predictions from 10 years ago about how the world would look in 2022 surprisingly came TRUE.

Tom Scott shared his thoughts on what 2022 would look like on his YouTube channel back in 2012 – and he has kept a watchful eye over the developments since.

Tom Scott/YouTubeTom Scott shared his views on his channel in 2012 – and he surprisingly got some things correct[/caption]

Tom Scott/YouTubeHe said that in 2022 5G would be the way Brits used the internet, and that there would be some changes to iPhones[/caption]

The YouTuber predicted that the borders on Apple’s phone screens would get smaller – and that the tech company would change their font texts in the next decade.

He also correctly guessed that 5G would be “blanket the country” for internet access – but he admitted that this wasn’t necessarily a hard guess to get right.

Scott also made a few misses in terms of the advancement of technology – including prioritising mobile-first usage over desktop computers.

In hindsight, he said: “I just missed that entirely. That transition was starting, and I hadn’t spotted it.”

The YouTuber, who has nearly 5million subscribers, had envisioned that Apple would bring out a headset fitted with cameras and microphones that would be constantly recording our lives.

He admitted: “So far people don’t like the idea of remembering everything and sharing that information with corporations.”

Scott also said that one thing he didn’t spot about tech trends that he should have in 2012 was the slow decline of “blogging.”

In the late 2000s, it became popular for people to start their own blogs – which were forums to write ideas and spread information online.

But by the mid 2010s, this was overtaken by Twitter, where users were able to share their beliefs with a click of a button, all in one place.

And now Scott has a prediction for 10 years from now – that short-form content will dominate over longer videos on platforms like YouTube.

He said: “I think short-form video is going to do to YouTube what Twitter did to blogs.


“People will still be making long-form video content, it will still get linked to and watched, but short-form is so much simpler that there will be so much more of it.”

“It’s not a perfect analogy, but I have a sinking feeling that short-form video is going to win just through sheer weight of numbers.”

He said that the “boom times” for platforms like YouTube will be over in 2032 – and Google may even decide to shut down the system altogether.

Tom Scott/YouTubeThe YouTuber predicted that short-form content will be the future[/caption]

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