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The 6 creepy clues you have a Facebook, WhatsApp or Snapchat STALKER

HAVE you ever been concerned that someone is stalking you on social media — here’s are six red flags to watch out for.

Social media has made it easier than ever before for people to connect with one another, however, it has also put our lives on display for others to observe.

AlamyWe’ve rounded six clues that could indicate you have a social media stalker[/caption]

Still, there’s a difference between someone viewing your posts casually and someone who is just plain stalking you.

Here are some signs that could indicate you have a social media stalker.

Signs someone’s stalking you on Snapchat

Snapchat is one of the most popular instant messaging apps around, and it’s also one of the best for letting you know if someone is constantly checking your posts.

One of the easiest ways to know if you have a Snapchat stalker is to see if they have screenshotted your Snaps or Stories.

And because Snapchat notifies users whenever someone screenshots their posts, this information is very easy to access.

Another potential indicator of a Snapchat stalker is someone who views your stories quickly and frequently, which you can check by swiping up on your Story from the bottom.

Signs someone’s stalking you on Facebook

Facebook is one of those apps that has shaped the world, however, many have become complacent about how and what they share on it, leaving much of their information openly available to stalkers.

One clue that you might have a Facebook stalker is if someone (can be someone you know or don’t know) is liking and commenting on your older posts as it indicates they are methodical lurking your page.

Another potential red flag is if someone starts popping up on several groups you belong to as it could mean they are not only creeping on your page but trying to integrate themselves into your life via your interests.

Signs someone’s stalking you on WhatsApp

WhatsApp, which boasts more than 2 billion users, is one of the most used communication apps around.

Of course, with a high number of users also comes plenty of social media stalkers who frequent the app.

One red flag to watch out for is someone who is constantly online when you are online, or even worse, someone who sends you a message as soon as you go online.

Another clue that someone is stalking your WhatsApp is if they consistently notice and comment on changes in your status updates or profile pictures.

How to protect yourself from social media stalkers

In some cases social media stalkers can be harmless, however, other times it can turn into obsession or something darker.

For that reason, it’s very important to always be vigilant of what you share on social media and who you share it with.

You should keep personal information private, utilize privacy settings, and avoid adding strangers.

You should also remain wary of how someone engages with your account(s) and how it makes you feel, blocking and/or reporting anyone that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

And of course, consulting with law enforcement is the best course of action if you feel there’s an immediate threat against you.

“A lot of people don’t want to go to the police because they think the fact that they’re constantly getting messages isn’t that important but it can be vitally important,” says Rory Innes from the Cyber Helpline UK.

If the police, for whatever reason dismiss your case, you can also speak to a cyberstalker specialist who can help you navigate the next steps.

AlamyIf someone constantly notices changes in your status on WhatsApp it could mean they’re stalking you.[/caption]

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