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Elon Musk warns Earth’s population collapse will STOP Mars city being built

ELON Musk warned that dwindling global fertility rates could keep a city from one day being built on Mars.

The SpaceX CEO announced on his social media that his plans to one day build a city on the Red planet could be deterred by diminishing birth rates on Earth.

Elon Musk’s plans to inhabit Mars one day could be deterred by diminishing birth rates

“We should be much more worried about population collapse,” Musk shared on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

The Tesla billionaire added “if there aren’t enough people for Earth, then there definitely won’t be enough for Mars,” in a follow-up tweet.

Since at least 2020, experts have warned that birth rates around the world are dropping, with a BBC report calling it a “jaw-dropping” decline.

Musk, especially, has not held back his viewpoints on the diminishing fertility rates.

“I think one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birthrate and the rapidly declining birthrate,” he said at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council last year.

“Please look at the numbers — if people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble, mark my words,” Musk said at the event.

And now the dropping birth rates might affect Musk’s plans to one day set up a sustainable human base of one million people on Mars.

Musk has spoken out about his vision for Mars since at least 2020 when he stated in a tweet that, in his plan, people would initially live “in glass domes” but eventually the planet would terraform to support life.

‘Terraforming’ is the hypothetical process of modifying a Martian surface to make it habitable by Earth-like life.

In Elon’s scenario, terraforming Mars could theoretically allow humans to breathe on the planet.

Still, even Musk added that terraforming would be “too slow to be relevant in our lifetime,” however, humans could certainly establish a human base on Mars in this lifetime.

The billionaire CEO has stated in the past that humans becoming an interplanetary species may be our only chance of survival in the long run.

GettyMars could one day terraform to support human life, according to Elon Musk[/caption]

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