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Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could stop us spotting asteroids and TRAP us on Earth, experts warn

ELON MUSK’S SpaceX has already launched several Starlink satellites this year and has another launch planned for the end of the month.

Although the satellites aim to provide cheap internet access across the world, some scientists have warned about the potentially negative impact of having thousands of satellites in orbit.

AFPThis is an artists impression of space debris[/caption]

Musk has only put a few thousand satellites in space so far but has plans for around 42,000.

The billionaire and SpaceX CEO has spoken out several times in defense of the tech, especially regarding worries about the impact on stargazing.

Here’s the major concerns of experts who worry Starlink satellites could ruin the night sky or even trap us all on Earth.

Ruining asteroid spotting

According to a new study, the bright glare from Starlink satellites is affecting images captured by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZFT).

Pictures from the ZFT helps us to spot asteroids.

It’s thought the disruption to its photos will only increase as more Starlink satellites are added to the sky.

There’s calls for a space-based asteroid spotting telescope to be created so we can still spot large space rocks without dirsuption.

Kessler Syndrome

A catastrophic clutter of space debris left behind by satellites could potentially block rockets from leaving Earth, an effect known as “Kessler Syndrome”.

Kessler Syndrome is a concept thought up by the Nasa scientist Donald J. Kessler.

It refers to the idea that a chain reaction of exploding space debris could create so much space junk in the Low Earth Orbit that we’d be trapped on Earth.

It could also mean we wouldn’t have the use of satellites because they’d be broken up during the collisions.

The theory is based on the fact that there are already millions of micrometeoroids orbiting Earth, along with all the new manmade items we’re putting up there.

So some experts worry that a collision and a subsequent chain reaction is possible.

Musk’s Starlink satellites aren’t the only cause of concern for scientists worried about Kessler Syndrome.

Amazon founder and Blue Origin CEO Jeff Bezos is also planning to put thousands of satellites in space.

Chemicals in the atmosphere

Last year, scientists told that mega satellite constellations could disrupt the atmosphere.

There’s concern that the satellites could add chemicals to the upper atmosphere.

This could have unknown side effects on the ozone layer.

Spoiling our view

Starlink seems to come under fire for this issue the most.

SpaceX has already tried to address the issue of its satellites being too bright by adding sunshades that stop sunlight reflecting off the antennas of the satellites.

Some researchers claim, one in 15 sources of light we see in the night sky will soon be from satellites.

This can ruin stargazing because some stars and constellations are obscured by the added light.

There’s concern that a future in which no humans have access to a ‘naked night sky’ lies ahead.

Collision concerns

Experts have previously claimed that Starlink satellites are involved in a large amount of close encounters between spacecraft.

Musk doesn’t think the satellites are taking up too much orbit space but China has complained about two near misses with its Tiangong space station.

It’s not the only space organization that has expressed concerns about colliding with the satellites.

In other news, a large asteroid is making its way towards Earth and should reach its closest approach today.

Nasa has revealed stunning footage of a solar flare in action.

And, we looked into the the weird world of ‘puffer jacket porn’ accounts.

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