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Movie quotes you’re getting WRONG – proving eerie ‘Mandela effect’ really exists

THINK you know your movie quotes? Think again.

You’ll be surprised by how many people get wrong.

AlamyDid he really say, “Luke, I am your father?”[/caption]

And there’s a reason for it too and it’s called the Mandela effect. But before we explain, let’s see which film lines are notoriously misquoted.

Star Wars

One of the biggest moments in the franchise is when Darth Vader reveals himself as Luke Skywalker’s father.

The line most people use is: “Luke, I am your father.”

But this is wrong.

In actual fact, what Darth Vader says is: “No, I am your father.”

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

DisneyMirror, mirror…[/caption]

When the Evil Queen asks her mirror who is the fairest of them, you thought she said ‘mirror’ twice, didn’t you.

Well, that’s wrong.

The quote we think she said is: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”

But in reality, she said: “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?”

The Wizard Of Oz

Getty“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”[/caption]

Another quote people love to use when in an unfamiliar situation is from The Wizard Of Oz.

We thought Judy Garland told her dog, Toto: “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”

But that’s incorrect – what she really said is: “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”


Ever said, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat” when something isn’t up to scratch?

That famous line isn’t the actual line from Jaws’s Sheriff Brody though.

What he actually said is: “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

What is the Mandela effect?

So why do our memories deceive us like this, we hear you say.

Well, some believe it’s due to something that is known as the Mandela affect, where a big group of people collectively remember things incorrectly.

It came about in 2010, when people online were convinced Nelson Mandela had died in prison in the 80s.

But that’s completely wrong – he was released in 1990.

Mandela didn’t die until 2013.

In other news, a new space station for Tom Cruise to shoot movies on has caused jaws to drop for all the wrong reasons.

Scientists have pinpointed when they believe the Sun will explode and wipe out everything on Earth in the process.

And Apple is working on a fix for a recently discovered bug that is capable of exposing the personal data of iPhone users.

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