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Nasa’s ‘time-travelling’ space telescope receives first signal from distant star

NASA’S latest space gizmo has swung into action and is already returning some fascinating results.

Experts looking for signs of distant life way out in the universe are getting excited after the giant mirror reported back for the first time.

Webb gets to work

In a major milestone to ensure all systems are good to go, the James Webb Telescope received its first glimmer of light from a distant star.

The photons mean scientists can press ahead with the next stage of the $10billion project’s work.

That involves a process of aligning 18 massive mirrors that will see things clearly.

Once pieced together they’ll work as a gigantic single mirror but it’ll take three months of careful precision.

“The images taken by Webb during this period will not be ‘pretty’ images like the new views of the universe Webb will unveil later this summer,” Nasa said.

“They strictly serve the purpose of preparing the telescope for science.”

Webb is the biggest and most complex telescope of its kind, fitted with all sorts of sophisticated kit.

Its aim is to uncover the hidden depths of our universe, peering at faint light of early stars and galaxies created after the Big Bang some 250 million years.

The kit will be able to see through dense dust clouds that cover distant planets.

Getting past this could help point towards life, but experts doubt we’ll actually find aliens with it.

And as it takes a really long time for light to travel we can essentially look way back in time from when stars and planets were formed after the Big Bang.

The telescope was successfully launched on Christmas Day 2021 after several major delays.

NasaSimulation image taken by Nasa[/caption]

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