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Aliens haven’t visited Earth yet because they’re too SCARED of us, expert claims

WAR is stopping aliens from visiting Earth, an expert has claimed.

Biopsychologist Dr. Gordon Gallup thinks aliens are deliberately avoiding humans for fear of our hostility.

If aliens are out there, they may be avoiding usGetty Images – Getty

The DailyMail quoted Dr. Gallup explaining: “If [alien life] exists it may have found us by now and discovered that humans are dangerous, violent and ceaselessly engage in endless bloody conflicts and war, and continually develop even more powerful weapons of mass destruction.”

The University of Albany scholar thinks any intelligent aliens would see Earth and fear for their lives.

He revealed his theories in an open access paper recently published in the Journal of Astrobiology.

He writes: “It would also be obvious, that as a byproduct of increasing pollution, habitat destruction, coupled with endless wars, pillage, death, destruction and the desire for conquest, that humans pose an unparalleled and unprecedented risk not only to other life forms on Earth but to life on other planets.”

Gallup’s views are pretty opposite to Professor Stephen Hawking’s who suggested intelligent aliens could attack and enslave the human race.

Have we ever been visited by aliens?

The term “flyer saucer” originated in 1947 and was the result of a reporter misquoting a pilot who claimed to see a UFO. 

Kenneth Arnold, the misquoted pilot, actually said the aircraft he supposedly saw had wings.

But just six weeks later, the words “flying saucer” were headlining newspapers covering the Roswell Incident, a famous alleged alien spaceship crash.

Ten years later, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first satellite.

According to Carl Sagan’s book Demon Haunted World, there were 701 reports of UFO sightings in the next four months, more than double the number of reported sightings in the previous eight months.

Sagan asks: were Americans finally noticing the extra-terrestrial space show overhead or was the cultural consciousness so zeroed in on one concept that people saw what they wanted to see?

Sagan theorizes people were seeing space phenomena like “lenticular clouds, ball lightning” and even the falling debris of old satellites.

But seeing something unexplained is one thing. Claiming abduction is another.

A 1990 study of abductee claimants found that as many as 3.7 million Americans believe they have been abducted by aliens.

That is roughly the population of Connecticut, and would mean 340 Americans had been abducted every day leading up to the study since the first significant abduction claim in 1961.

Meanwhile, scientists have yet to validate a single alien encounter claim or sighting–and it is not for a lack of looking. 

Since 1984, the SETI (Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) institute has monitored the airwaves, night skies and even blasted messages into space in search of extraterrestrials.

Maybe, the aliens have missed our calls for 37 years. 

To Dr. Gordon, if they can hear us, they’re ignoring us. 

Dr. Gallup noted that “no meaningful techno signatures have been detected beyond our solar system”Getty – Contributor

In other news, Nasa has revealed a stunning image of an unusual ‘space triangle’ it was able to capture with the Hubble Space Telescope.

Elon Musk has long been vocal about his ambitions for colonizing Mars – here’s everything we know about his plan.

And, astronomers have observed a red giant star dying in real-time for the first time ever.

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