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Asteroid 2022 GN1 ‘close approach’ LIVE – Watch live stream of space rock tracked by NASA as it buzzes Earth today

A SCHOOLBUS-SIZED asteroid will make a very close approach today, according to space object trackers.

Astronomers only spotted the near-Earth space rock 2022 GN1 a few days ahead of its head-turning flyby on Tuesday evening.

Nasa has logged the 16-meter-long mass on its “close approach” online database, though it poses no danger to our planet.

The asteroid is expected to soar past at a safe distance of around 79,000 miles (127,000 km).

That may sound like a considerable gap but is remarkably close in space terms at around a third of the space between Earth and the Moon.

The Virtual Telescope Project, a set of robotic scopes in Italy, has announced that it will live stream Wednesday’s flyby on its website.

The live feed kicks off at 9pm ET on Tuesday.