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Women really do fancy men more if they’re richer, study confirmsSam BlanchardThe Sun

Women really do fancy men more if they’re richer, study confirmsSam BlanchardThe Sun

WOMEN really do fancy rich men more, a study has confirmed.

Blokes like Tesla tycoon Elon Musk, with a high income and top job on online dating profiles, get 3.5 times as many replies.

Blokes like Tesla tycoon Elon Musk, with a high income and top job on online dating profiles, get 3.5 times as many replies

Women also get more attention if they seem well-off and educated — but the effect is smaller.

Researchers scanned 1.8 million profiles from 24 countries and found it was true worldwide.

Psychologist Dr Andrew Thomas, of Swansea University, said: “A lot of people like to believe this is just a stereotype — but we find it across all cultures in studies dating back to the 1980s, which tells us it’s real.”

His study rated men by income, education and jobs posted with replies from lonely hearts.

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The highest level of “resource-acquisition ability” — education and cash — boosted replies men got by 255 per cent compared to the lowest.

For women, it was 103 per cent.

Dr Thomas said the internet is driving both sexes to extreme lengths to look rich or fit to attract a lover.

The Sun

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