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Twilight Princess is the best Zelda and Breath Of The Wild is the worst – Reader’s Feature-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

A reader explains his love for Zelda: Twilight Princess and why he’s not looking forward to the sequel to Breath Of The Wild.

Twilight Princess is the best Zelda and Breath Of The Wild is the worst – Reader’s Feature-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Zelda: Twilight Princess HD – the best of the series? (pic: Nintendo)

A reader explains his love for Zelda: Twilight Princess and why he’s not looking forward to the sequel to Breath Of The Wild.

If every video game franchise in the world disappeared tomorrow, except for The Legend Of Zelda, I would be perfectly satisfied. That’s not an indication of my apathy for other games but my love for Nintendo’s classic action adventure. Ever since playing A Link To The Past on my SNES, back in Christmas 1993, I’ve been entranced by the series’ elegant simplicity and deceptively deep gameplay. No other franchise has so many perfect games and that’s not my hyperbole that’s just looking at their critic scores.

I don’t use this to justify my opinions though as there are two major areas where I disagree with the consensus, and that is when it comes to Twilight Princess and Breath Of The Wild. I’ll say it straight up, I not only don’t like Breath Of The Wild I completely refuse to accept it as a Zelda game. Even with a different name I would think it’s boring, much too spread out, and I hate the breakable weapons.

As a Zelda game it’s even worse: there’s no proper puzzles, no proper story, and the bosses are terrible. Everything that should be best in the business for a Zelda game is the worst it’s ever been in Breath Of The Wild, and no-one even argues otherwise. I’m all for doing something different but when what results is unrecognisable as the thing it’s supposed to be, what’s the point?

I assume that Breath Of The Wild 2 is going to be largely similar, at least in terms of all the things I don’t like, and I’m resigned to that. I am reasonably confident that Nintendo will create another game though that doesn’t follow that formula. In fact, if it weren’t for the pandemic, I imagine they probably would’ve announced a small scale spin-off or remake by now, but obviously they haven’t.

A Switch release for The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess also seems inevitable at some point, which brings me to my other disagreement with the critics: Twilight Princess is awesome! It gets criticised for being too similar to Ocarina Of Time but that right there is something I’ve never understood. How many sequels do we have in other franchises, some coming out one year after the other, where being exactly the same as one another is never seen as a negative?

And yet apparently Zelda, which has so many very different sequels and spin-offs, isn’t allowed one! It’s not as if it really is that similar to Ocarina Of Time anyway, it just follows the same formula and that’s why I love it, because it’s the style of Zelda I prefer but done to perfection.

Twilight Princess has the best dungeons, the best puzzles, the best combat, and the best story of any Zelda and I honestly don’t see how anyone could disagree with that. Sure, the character designs are a bit weird and ugly, and the soundtrack isn’t the most memorable, but those are honestly the only negatives I can think of.

I love Midna, she’s the absolute best character in the whole series, that isn’t one of the big three, and the wolf transformations are great. The world design is the perfect mix of open world and old school design, and the Twilight Realm looks amazing. Everything a Zelda game needs to do, it did as good or better than any other and I’ll never get tired of replaying it. Breath Of The Wild though I got tired of after five hours.

I know I’m not going to change anyone’s mind about it, but I just wanted to stick up for Twilight Princess, before the hype for Breath Of The Wild 2 convinces more people that it’s predecessor is a real Zelda game.

By reader Bronson

The reader’s feature does not necessary represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.

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