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Games Inbox: Elden Ring completion time, Capcom reboots, and Crash Bandicoot: The Movie-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

The Wednesday letters page takes bets on which game will be delayed next, as one reader is glad that GTA 6 is taking a long time.

Games Inbox: Elden Ring completion time, Capcom reboots, and Crash Bandicoot: The Movie-GameCentral-Entertainment – Metro

Elden Ring – did you know what was going on? (pic: Bandai Namco)

The Wednesday letters page takes bets on which game will be delayed next, as one reader is glad that GTA 6 is taking a long time.

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300 hours later
Add me to the ‘just beaten Elden Ring’ crowd, as I’ve just started Journey 2 and finally put the whole of the game behind me. A fantastic experience that I put just shy of 300 hours into. I took my time, obviously, but tried to see everything and collect everything as much as I could. I did use the wiki a bit, I freely admit, but I’m proud to say that at least 80% of everything was found on my own, with only a little bit of help needed to finish off some of the character questlines.

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing and now it’s over I’m feeling a bit deflated and kind of out of things to do. I’m curious as to what other people’s experiences of the game has been though, not just how long you took but what level you were? I was level 179 when I beat the game, which given how hard the final boss battle was I think is probably about what the game was expecting? It’s hard to say though as I wouldn’t claim to be especially good at it or anything.

I’m also curious what armour people were using. This was the only aspect of the game I felt I never quite understood. As a melee player I just don’t see any point in using anything other than Bull-Goat set from Great Horned Tragoth, since it has the highest defence. Apart from when you want to be invulnerable to poison, in a few select places, I couldn’t ever see any point in changing armour, which was kind of disappointing as I got sick of seeing it, and its predecessors, when so many of the others looked cooler. Like I said, I’m curious to know how other people played the game.

Take your time
Maybe this is me being just a bit contrarian but I’m kind of glad that GTA 6 isn’t due out any time soon. My reason? At least that way it’ll be next gen only and make as much use of the new console as possible. I get what the reader was saying the other day, about this gen feeling like a disappointment and while most of the reasons are nobody’s fault that doesn’t get away from the fact that it’s not added up to much so far.

My hope is that by the time GTA 6 is finally ready it’ll blow us away in terms of not just its graphics but the complexity of its design, with the city, the characters, and artificial intelligence. We are long overdue a breakthrough with AI and Rockstar must have so much money to through at this and other problems that GTA 6 is the best chance for something really special.

Place your bets
So Midnight Suns has been delayed now, so who’s willing to take bets on what’ll be next? Gotham Knights seems pretty precarious to me and Return To Monkey Island still doesn’t have a date yet… and maybe never will.

I’m also dubious about Overwatch 2. It’s only early access, so I guess they can cut down what they put into it, but I’d be shocked if that wasn’t running into problems. I’m also pretty dubious about Bayonetta 3, as I’m surprised it was confirmed for this year at all, given how little we’ve seen of it. But I guess you could say that of most games at the moment.

So who’s going to get it right? What will be the next delay and the game least likely to make it out before Christmas?

E-mail your comments to:

Sleeping giant
So what happened to Capcom’s announcement that they were going to bring back a bunch of old franchises and that things had gone so well with Devil May Cry and the Resident Evil remakes that they were full speed ahead on doing similar things?

I know the pandemic and everything but is that really the only reason that nothing has been announced? They announced stuff like Exoprimal, which is supposed to be a new IP, but no reboots of anything, just a sequel to Dragon’s Dogma – which I would not say was anyone’s priority.

I really wanted to see modern takes on Ghosts ‘N Goblins, Bionic Commando, Power Stone, Onimusha, and Final Fight. Heck, at this point I’d just take a new Marvel Vs. Capcom and use the Capcom side of things to tease all the new games. They’ve been so quiet for so long though I have no idea if this idea is completely impossible or just very unlikely.

Working down the list
A Pac-Man movie in the style of Sonic the Hedgehog? Yeah, somehow I can’t see that busting too many blocks. You can see the logic behind it but… who cares about Pac-Man as a game nowadays, let alone as a character with a story and setting and everything.

I can just picture the Hollywood exec combing through lists on Wikipedia to try and work out who could be next after Sonic. If Pac-Man was pick number one I can only assume they then started working through the list of 90s platform mascots and that Crash Bandicoot is next (that’s got to be a definite, surely?), followed by Spyro. Who knows where this will end, but if it’s at Bubsy Bobcat I will laugh myself to the cinema.

Delayed start
I think it’s perfectly reasonable to be disappointed by the current/new generation of consoles. Clearly there have been no must-have games that are next gen only and there’s little sign of them on the horizon either (no pun intended for Horizon Forbidden West).

You can say that’s nobody’s fault, and you’d probably be right but it still means that, at the end of the day, there’s little point owning a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X/S right now. For me though, it’s not so much that the generation has been a disappointment but that it hasn’t really started yet.

Because that’s not anyone’s fault that’s not really a problem, instead the issue is when does it start? Clearly not this Christmas, when there’s not a single major exclusive planned? Next year? Maybe, but with nothing announced or confirmed there’s no way to tell. It could be next year or it could be 2025, who knows?

I just hope that once companies do get back into gear we see a clear difference, instead of just slowly leaking games out over time until it’s never really clear if the generation is started, before it ends up being replaced. I mean, the gen will be two years old this year. Under normal circumstances we’d start to get rumours about the PlayStation 6 within at least three years.

No Blu Tack required
You can get a CD Projekt Red Goodies Collection free on GOG currently. It includes digital posters, digital wallpapers, concept arts and more from The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077.
Andrew J.
PS: This month’s Edge cover story is Mario + Rabbids: Sparks Of Hope, which I know fellow GameCentral reader Panda (aka Floyd) is interested in.

Rambling hyperbole
A gigantic eye rolling is currently being performed having read 2K’s big pile of hyperbole. Lest we forget the hubris in telling us that they’ve included contracting horse testicles in Red Dead Redemption 2 and for it to amount to absolutely nothing whatsoever in gameplay terms. I’m going to say that it’ll be like the NBA 2K horror show. Big name brands will actually be on the high streets, where you can buy virtual Adidas trainers to go with your Ralph Lauren shirt. All for the small price of £7 on top of the £70 spent on the base game. It’ll be great trust me.

You’ll be able to buy a Ferrari 459 and virtually drive it around in a virtual world looking at virtual AI sub-routines on the sidewalk, saying that your car is nice. All for the small price of £20 on top of the £70 charge for the base game. They’ll be real alcoholic drinks in the bars. Real actual drinks that taste of virtual virtualness. You’ll be able to virtually drink a real virtual Budweiser by pressing ‘X’ when prompted and R1 to say ‘Wow, thanks bartender.’ All for the small price of £2 on top of the £70 for the base game.

You’ll be able to learn to play the xylophone. It’ll be like real life where it takes weeks of endless practice. You’ll be able to pick your tutor too. Not to mention the colour of their hair and matching eyebrows from a drop-down menu, and all for the small price of £3 on top of the £70 for the base game.

It’ll come in at around 500GB install with a day one patch of 15TB. It’s vital that 2K is able to add a small fix so it can install the observable universe to make sure you can by the Bootes Void for the small price of £30000,000000,00000, and that’ll be on top of the base game. The Hubble telescope however, will be 50% off at launch if you pre-ordered.

Yes, I’m rambling on and probably making a K2 out of a molehill but one must remember this is 2K. The microtransaction kings of manipulation. I hope to be rightly wronged by GTA 6, but I fear I’ll be rightly righted, ergo long-sighted and in turn benighted.

GC: What gameplay role were you expecting contracting horse testicles to play?

Inbox also-rans
Could you please let me know about the Pokémon pop-up this month. I think it starts on the 17th, but I understand there’s a booking system. Any info would be good.

GC: We did a story on it here.

Weekend Hot Topic suggestion: what is the best Trophy or Achievement you have ever earned and why and how? Did it feel good to get there or did you feel bad that it was just beyond the reaches of time and ability. In succeeding, did it feel a little hollow or were you on cloud number nine?
D Dubya

GC: We’ve had that sort of Hot Topic before and one just last year, so we should probably give it a bit more of a rest first.

This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Cosmo, who asks what’s your favourite video game universe?

Which game or franchise do you think has the most interesting fictional universe? Is it because of its lore, its characters, its art design, gameplay, or something else? What makes a good fictional world and how has your pick elevated the games it’s been in?

Have you explored the game world in media outside of video games, such as books and comics, and do you feel it’s interesting enough to be adapted as a TV show or movie?

E-mail your comments to:

The small print
New Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Reader’s Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

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MORE : Weekend Hot Topic: The best graphics ever seen

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